after receiving critics for not asking the question the right way, I have returned again with what I think is better way. I am trying to solve homework problem in which I have to write a batch file and I am stuck.
When this batch file is called in CMD it receives 4 parameters:
- (1)某些目录的路径,该目录以\结尾;例如:C:\ Users \ PC \ Desktop \
- (2)文件扩展名;例如:txt
- (3)一些字符串;例如:"ab"
- (4)一个整数;示例:3
The purpose of this batch file is to find all files X with extension (2) on local directory and all subdirectories received by (1), which have more than (4) lines in them that have substring (3) and write in console next sentence:
"File X has more than (4) liens, more precise Y, which have substring (3)". Where X is full path of the file that fulfills those conditions and Y exact number of lines in which substring is found.
控制台中的输入应如下所示:myfile.bat C:\ Users \ PC \ Desktop \ txt ab 3
Input in console should be like this: myfile.bat C:\Users\PC\Desktop\ txt ab 3
My attempt of solving this was like this:
@echo off
for %%a in ('dir /s %1*.%2') do (
for /f "delims= " %%G in ('find /c "%3" ^<%%a') do (
set linecount=%%G
if %linecount% gtr %4 (
echo File %%a has more than %4 lines, more precisley %linecount% which have substring %3
Hope this time I've done it partially right.
Based on your question parameters to date, and just for the hell of it, here's a one line batch file solution, (with very limited testing):
@For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('Dir/B/S/A-D-S-L "%~1*.%2"') Do @For /F "Tokens=3Delims=:" %%B In ('Find /I /C "%~3" "%%A"') Do @If %%B Gtr %4 Echo File %%A has more than %4 lines, more precisley%%B, which have substring %3
@For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('Where/R "%~1" *.%2') Do @For /F "Tokens=3Delims=:" %%B In ('Find /I /C "%~3" "%%A"') Do @If %%B Gtr %4 Echo File %%A has more than %4 lines, more precisley%%B, which have substring %3