




here is a shell script which takes domain and its parameters to find status code . this runs way faster due to threading but misses lot of requests.

while IFS= read -r url <&3; do
    while IFS= read -r uri <&4; do
    urlstatus=$(curl -o /dev/null --insecure --silent --head --write-out  '%{http_code}' "${url}""${uri}" --max-time 5 ) &&
    echo "$url  $urlstatus $uri" >> urlstatus.txt &
done 4<uri.txt
done 3<url.txt


if i ran normally it process all requests but the speed is very low. is there a way through which speed is maintained and it also not misses all requests .



The symptom you describe sounds like some resource outside of your program can't cope with the parallelism, but you have not provided any diagnostics to help troubleshoot this problem. If your local network bandwidth is sufficient but the remote server is throttling you, there isn't much you can do to persuade them to stop doing that, while of course if your problem is caused by local resource depletion, increasing bandwidth through the choke point (your DNS server?) should allow you to proceed without any actual code changes.


A common workaround is to throttle things on your end. Use xargs or parallel to run a controlled number of parallel processes instead of unleashing them all at the same time to fiercely compete over your finite resources.

例如参见 Bash:限制并发作业的数量吗?在实践中.


Maybe add a small sleep between runs to calm things down if that alone is insufficient.


08-23 07:39