




I know, there are lots of answered questions about it here. My situation is a bit different, though, and I couldn't find an answer yet.

在页面完全加载后,我试图显示一条消息.使用$(document).ready, document.readyStateChange,我不在乎.

I'm trying to show a message after the page has fully loaded. Using $(document).ready, document.readyStateChange, I don't care.

问题在于文档已经准备好在需要执行的脚本中间.我尝试使用window.onload(和jQuery等效)进行此操作,但是它在某些图像/元素出现之前向我显示了该消息.有没有办法等待它执行然后才显示消息? (请记住,我可能需要在同一页面中多次执行该操作.)

The thing is that the document gets ready right in the middle of a script that needs to be executed. I've tried to do it with window.onload (and it's jQuery equivalent), but it shows me the message before some images/elements show up. Is there a way to wait for it to be executed and only then show up the message? (Please keep in mind that I might need to do it several times in the same page).




Making sure a page has truly finished loading isn't always an easy job. especially for pages which rely on content via Ajax, and other assets which load asynchronously (each asset can be loaded independent and in parallel to other assets, like images for example).


Create some global Deferred object (a promise) and make sure it will be resolved only after everything that it is depended on is "ready".

// start your web app code..
var p1 = new Promise();
var p2 = new Promise();
var p3 = new Promise();

// when all dependencies are done loading, means the page is truly "ready"
Promise.all([p1, p2, p3])
  .then(() => {
       // page done loading

// somewhere in the code...wait for Ajax content to load
// and resolve "p1" after the content has loaded

// somewhere in the code...wait for some other Ajax content to load
// and resolve "p2" after the content has loaded

// somewhere in the code...wait for all the images to load
// (http://stackoverflow.com/a/1977898/104380)
// and resolve "p3"


The point is that you manually need to make sure all the different parts that are async have been fully loaded. it's a tedious work but it's a very solid solution.


08-23 07:36