

我把这个在一起,但它吮吸:(!例如幻数在那里,文本解析.. BOO)

I put this together, but it sucks: (e.g. magic numbers in there, text parsing.. boo!)

awk -F: '{if($3 >= 1000 && $3 < 2**16-2) print $1}' /etc/passwd


What's the proper way to do this?


某些UNIX系统中不使用 / etc / passwd文件,或者未指定用户有。您应该使用的 getent passwd文件,而不是读 / etc / passwd文件

Some unix systems don't use /etc/passwd, or have users that are not specified there. You should use getent passwd instead of reading /etc/passwd.

我的系统也有被禁用,用户可以LO与 /斌/假设置为自己的login命令或 / usr / sbin目录不再登录/ NOLOGIN 。你可能要排除他们。

My system also has users that are disabled and can lo longer login with their login command set to /bin/false or /usr/sbin/nologin. You probably want to exclude them as well.

下面是我,包括arheops awk命令和安斯加尔的code,以获得最小和最大什么作品 login.defs

Here is what works for me including arheops awk command and ansgar's code to get the min and max from login.defs:

getent passwd | \
grep -vE '(nologin|false)$' | \
awk -F: -v min=`awk '/^UID_MIN/ {print $2}' /etc/login.defs` \
-v max=`awk '/^UID_MAX/ {print $2}' /etc/login.defs` \
'{if(($3 >= min)&&($3 <= max)) print $1}' | \
sort -u


08-23 06:53