

我的Mono应用程序在Mac上崩溃,并显示以下消息( 完整日志):

My Mono application crashes on Mac with this message (Full log):

$ mono --debug bin/Debug/SparkleShare.app/Contents/MonoBundle/SparkleShare.exe
Stack overflow in unmanaged: IP: 0x26eb76, fault addr: 0xbf808ffc

处于非托管状态"表示堆栈溢出不是在我的代码中(我只有托管代码),而是在我嵌入的库中( SQLite,DotCmis,NewtonSoft.Json )或使用Mono的代码.

"in unmanaged" implies that the stack overflow is not in my code (I only have managed code) but rather in a library I embed (SQLite, DotCmis, NewtonSoft.Json) or in Mono's code.


Even though I compile and run in Debug mode, all I get is these two hexadecimals.


QUESTION: How can I investigate this stack overflow? Any trick?




Handling stack overflow is quite tricky (for mono), so it might very well be that the stack overflow is actually yours. The problem lies in figuring out the stack trace.


I usually run with gdb:

gdb --args mono --debug bin/Debug/SparkleShare.app/Contents/MonoBundle/SparkleShare.exe

然后尝试在堆栈开始增长之后但实际上没有溢出之前按Ctrl + C(gdb与堆栈溢出严重混淆,通常必须在发生这种情况时退出gdb,这就是为什么您需要赶快行动起来吧.

And then try to hit Ctrl+C after the stack has begun to grow, but before it has actually overflown (gdb gets seriously confused with stack overflows, and you'll usually have to exit gdb when that happens, which is why you'll need to catch the overflow in action).

按Ctrl + C后,执行thread apply all backtrace,您将知道堆栈是否即将发生溢出(一个线程将具有数千帧).

After hitting Ctrl+C, do a thread apply all backtrace, and you'll know if a stack overflow is about to happen (one thread will have thousands of frames).


Once you have an enormous stack trace in gdb, you need to identify the cycle. This is usually quite easy just by looking at the addresses of the stack trace. Once you have this data, you can get the managed frame like this:

(gdb) p mono_pmip (0xdeaddead)
$1 = 0x0000dead  "Managed frame information shows up here"


Then just do the same for all the frames in the cycle you found.

在gdb 此处中,有更多有关调试Mono的提示.

There are more tips for debugging mono with gdb here.


08-23 06:44