I've read What are non-lexical lifetimes?. With the non-lexical borrow checker, the following code compiles:
fn main() {
let mut scores = vec![1, 2, 3];
let score = &scores[0]; // borrows `scores`, but never used
// its lifetime can end here
scores.push(4); // borrows `scores` mutably, and succeeds
It seems reasonable in the case above, but when it comes to a mutex lock, we don't want it to be released prematurely.
In the following code, I would like to lock a shared structure first and then execute a closure, mainly to avoid deadlock. However, I'm not sure if the lock will be released prematurely.
use lazy_static::lazy_static; // 1.3.0
use std::sync::Mutex;
struct Something;
lazy_static! {
static ref SHARED: Mutex<Something> = Mutex::new(Something);
pub fn lock_and_execute(f: Box<Fn()>) {
let _locked = SHARED.lock(); // `_locked` is never used.
// does its lifetime end here?
Does Rust treat locks specially, so that their lifetimes are guaranteed to extend to the end of their scope? Must we use that variable explicitly to avoid premature dropping of the lock, like in the following code?
pub fn lock_and_execute(f: Box<Fn()>) {
let locked = SHARED.lock(); // - lifetime begins
f(); // |
drop(locked); // - lifetime ends
这里有一个误解:NLL(非词法生存期)影响借阅检查,而不是实际的 lifetime .
There is a misunderstanding here: NLL (non-lexical lifetimes) affects the borrow-checks, not the actual lifetime of the objects.
Rust广泛使用RAII ,因此,许多对象(例如锁)的Drop
Rust uses RAII extensively, and thus the Drop
implementation of a number of objects, such as locks, has side-effects which have to occur at a well-determined and predictable point in the flow of execution.
NLL did NOT change the lifetime of such objects, and therefore their destructor is executed at exactly the same point that it was before: at the end of their lexical scope, in reverse order of creation.
NLL did change the understanding of the compiler of the use of lifetimes for the purpose of borrow-checking. This does not, actually, cause any code change; this is purely analysis. This analysis was made more clever, to better recognize the actual scope in which a reference is used:
- 在NLL之前,从创建引用到删除引用都被视为使用中",通常是其词法范围(因此得名).
- NLL,而不是:
- 如果可能的话,尝试推迟使用中"跨度的开始.
- 以引用的最后使用结束使用中"范围.
- Prior to NLL, a reference was considered "in use" from the moment it was created to the moment it was dropped, generally its lexical scope (hence the name).
- NLL, instead:
- Tries to defer the start of the "in use" span, if possible.
- Ends the "in use" span with the last use of the reference.
减少计数器.In the case of a
), theRef<'a>
will be dropped at the end of the lexical scope, at which point it will use the reference toRefCell
to decrement the counter.NLL不会剥离抽象层,因此必须认为包含引用(例如
)的任何对象 都可以在其实施.结果,任何包含引用的对象(例如锁)都将强制NLL认为引用的使用中"范围会一直扩展到被丢弃为止.NLL does not peel away layers of abstractions, so must consider that any object containing a reference (such as
) may access said reference in itsDrop
implementation. As a result, any object that contains a reference, such as a lock, will force NLL to consider that the "in use" span of the reference extends until they are dropped.资源获取是初始化,其原始含义是,一旦执行了变量构造函数,它便已获取了所需的资源,并且未处于半熟状态.通常用来表示破坏该变量将释放它拥有的所有资源.