本文介绍了当一个函数返回分配了相同生命周期的引用时,Rust Borrow Checker仅抱怨多次借用是可变的的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm having problem with some Rust code where I'm being allowed to borrow something as mutable more than once on certain conditions (first confusing part), but not others.


I've written the following example to illustrate:(Playground)

struct NoLifetime {}
struct WithLifetime <'a> {
    pub field: &'a i32

fn main() {
    let mut some_val = NoLifetime {};
    borrow_mut_function(&mut some_val);
    borrow_mut_function(&mut some_val); // Borrowing as mutable for the second time.

    let num = 5;
    let mut life_val = WithLifetime { field: &num };
    borrow_lifetime(&mut life_val);
    borrow_lifetime(&mut life_val); // Borrowing as mutable for the second time.

    let num_again = borrow_lifetime(&mut life_val); // Borrow, assign lifetime result
    borrow_lifetime(&mut life_val); // Compiler: cannot borrow `life_val` as mutable more than once

fn borrow_mut_function(val_in: &mut NoLifetime) -> String {
fn borrow_lifetime<'a>(val_in: &'a mut WithLifetime) -> &'a i32 {


If you see, I can borrow both some_val, and life_val as mutable more than once. However, after assigning the return value of borrow_lifetime, I can no longer borrow.


  1. 摘录自锈皮书中有关借书的规则" >,我应该在范围上具有完全可变的引用",以达到相同的值.但是,在上面的代码中,每次调用borrow_函数时,我都是以可变的方式借用的.
  2. 为什么当我有一个函数返回与参数具有相同生存期的东西并分配该参数时,为什么不允许相同类型的借用.
  1. From 'The Rules' about Borrowing in the Rust Book, I'm supposed to have 'exactly one mutable reference' in scope to the same value. However, in the code above I'm borrowing as mutable every time I call a borrow_ function.
  2. Why is the same type of borrowing not allowed when I have a function that returns something with the same lifetime as the parameter, and I assign that parameter.


Any help would be appreciated. I imagine what is happening here is that I am misunderstanding what 'borrowing as mutable' really means, and when to determine that something is being borrowed as mutable.



Chris already gave the gist of it, but I think it is worth explaining further.

2 种方式可以在Rust中转移所有权:

There are 2 ways to transfer ownership in Rust:

  • 移动永久转移
  • 借用临时转移,预计将归还所有权
  • moving is a permanent transfer
  • borrowing is a temporary transfer, ownership is expected to be returned


Rust, like many other languages, models time passing using a stack of lexical scopes. As a result, for now, a borrow starts where it is created and extend until the end of its scope.


Thus, the questions of when a borrow ends is akin to asking what scope is the borrow created in.


Let's review your example with numbered lines:

fn main() {
    let mut some_val = NoLifetime {};                // 1
    borrow_mut_function(&mut some_val);              // 2
    borrow_mut_function(&mut some_val);              // 3
    let num = 5;                                     // 4
    let mut life_val = WithLifetime { field: &num }; // 5
    borrow_lifetime(&mut life_val);                  // 6
    borrow_lifetime(&mut life_val);                  // 7
    let num_again = borrow_lifetime(&mut life_val);  // 8
    borrow_lifetime(&mut life_val);                  // 9


When a function is called, the argument is borrowed:

  • 至少在函数调用期间
  • 直到删除结果为止,如果结果与参数共享一个生命期
  • at least for the duration of the function call
  • up to the moment the result is dropped, if the result shares a lifetime with the argument


So, let's look at this:

  • 调用borrow_mut_function,它返回一个String:结果与参数不共享任何生存期,因此该参数仅在函数的生存期内被借用呼叫.

  • on line (2) and (3) you call borrow_mut_function which returns a String: the result does not share any lifetime with the argument, so the argument is only borrowed for the lifetime of the function call.

调用borrow_lifetime,它返回一个&'a i32:结果与参数共享一个生存期,因此该参数将被借用直到结果范围的结尾...这是因为未使用结果而立即生效.

on line (6) and (7) you call borrow_lifetime which returns a &'a i32: the result shares a lifetime with the argument, so the argument is borrowed until the end of the scope of the result... which is immediately since the result is not used.

上调用borrow_lifetime返回一个&'a i32,然后将结果分配num_again:结果与该参数共享一个生存期,因此参数被借用到num_again范围的末尾.

on line (8) you call borrow_lifetime which returns a &'a i32 and you assign the result to num_again: the result shares a lifetime with the argument, so the argument is borrowed until the end of the scope of num_again.


on line (9) you call borrow_lifetime however its argument is still borrow by num_again so the call is illegal.


That's it, this is how Rust works today.

将来会呼吁 非词汇借用 .也就是说,编译器将意识到:

In the future, there is a call for non-lexical borrows. That is, the compiler would realize that:

  • num_again从未使用
  • num_again没有特定的析构函数(没有Drop实现)
  • num_again is never used
  • num_again does not have a specific destructor (no Drop implementation)


and could therefore decide that its borrow ends sooner than the end of the lexical scope.

这篇关于当一个函数返回分配了相同生命周期的引用时,Rust Borrow Checker仅抱怨多次借用是可变的的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-23 06:19