本文介绍了在Android的位图处理与单机器人/ xamarin.android最佳practis的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am having some memory issues with our android app when handling bitmaps (duh!).

这意味着如果流是ac1-> ac2-> ac3-> AC4相同的图像将被加载4次,并使用4倍存储器

We are having multiple activities loading images from a server, this could be a background image for the activity.This background image could be the same for multiple activities, and right now each activity is loading its own background image.This means if the flow is ac1->ac2->ac3->ac4 the same image will be loaded 4 times and using 4x memory.


How do I optimize imagehandling for this scenario? Do I create an image cache where the image is stored and then each activity ask the cache first for images. If this is the case, how do I know when to garbage collect the image from the cache?

任何建议,链接到好的教程或类似的高度AP preciated。

Any suggestions, link to good tutorials or similar is highly appreciated.



When downloading images for the device the exact sizes is used, meaning that if the ui element needs an 100x100 pixel image it gets that size and therefore no need for scaling. So i am not sure about downscaling the image when loading it into the memory. Maybe it is needed to unload images in the activity when moving on the the next and then reload when going back.



After ready your update I will give you an other tip then.I can still post the patch too if people want that..


What you need to do with those bitmaps is call them with a using block. That way Android will unload the bitmap as soon as that block is executed.


using(Bitmap usedBitmap = new Bitmap()){
     //Do stuff with the Bitmap here
     //You can call usedBitmap.Dispose() but it's not really needed


With this code your app shouldn't keep all the used bitmaps in memory.

这篇关于在Android的位图处理与单机器人/ xamarin.android最佳practis的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-23 06:09