本文介绍了NSPredicate isKindOfClass仅适用于[myObject类]而不适用于[MyClass类]的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


为什么 [MyClass class] 无法在谓词中找到我想要的类的对象, [myObject class] code>工程?请参见下面的代码示例。我想要能够在一个集合中找到类型为MyClass的对象,而不需要有一个类的虚假实例可用。

Why is it that [MyClass class] fails to find the objects of the class I want in a predicate whereas [myObject class] works? See code example below. I want to be able to find objects of type MyClass in a set without needing to have a spurious instance of the class available.

MyClass* myObject = [[MyClass alloc] init];


NSPredicate* predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self isMemberOfClass: %@", [MyClass class]];
NSArray* predicateResults = [mySet filteredSetUsingPredicate:predicate].allObjects;


NSPredicate* predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self isMemberOfClass: %@", [myObject class]];
NSArray* predicateResults = [mySet filteredSetUsingPredicate:predicate].allObjects;



[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self isMemberOfClass: %@", [MyClass class]]


actually works. It returns exactly the same predicate as the (documented)

    predicateWithLeftExpression:[NSExpression expressionForEvaluatedObject]
                rightExpression:[NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:[MyClass class]]

你的情况下的问题可能是 isMemberOfClass:
比较类等于因此这不会匹配作为 MyClass 的子类的成员

The problem in your case could be that isMemberOfClass:compares for class equality, so this would not match objects which are membersof a subclass of MyClass.

如果 MyClass 是类集群, myObject 是具体子类的实例

This could happen if MyClass is a class cluster and myObject is an instanceof a concrete subclass. For example:

NSString *myString = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:"hello world"];
Class c1 = [NSString class];   //  NSString
Class c2 = [myString class];   //  __NSCFString

BOOL b1 = [myString isMemberOfClass:c1]; // NO
BOOL b2 = [myString isMemberOfClass:c2]; // YES

在这种情况下 [myObject class] [MyClass class] 是不同的,这将解释

In that case [myObject class] and [MyClass class] are different, which would explainwhy one predicate works and the other predicate does not work.

以下代码使用 isKindOfClass:代替并生成预期结果:

The following code uses isKindOfClass: instead and produces the expected result:

NSArray *array = @[@"123", @456, [NSArray array]];
NSPredicate* predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self isKindOfClass: %@", [NSNumber class]];
NSArray* predicateResults = [array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];
NSLog(@"%@", predicateResults);
//  Output: ( 456 )

这篇关于NSPredicate isKindOfClass仅适用于[myObject类]而不适用于[MyClass类]的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-23 06:04