code> not displayed?解决方案您显然使用 runtime.getBackgroundPage 来代替。新的方法是异步的,因此它可以在返回之前根据需要启动事件页面。
I write extension for Chrome. And I need run delayed tasks when background page inactive. Cause setTimeout not working in background tabs, I try emulate setTimeout with setInterval, like code below (located in content script):
window.timings = []; function set_timeout(func, time){ var now = new Date() / 1; window.timings.push({ func: func, time: time + now }); } function tick(){ var now = new Date() / 1; window.timings = window.timings.filter(function(delay_obj){ if (now > delay_obj.time){ delay_obj.func.call(); return false; } else { return true; } }); } $(function() { setInterval(tick, 1000); // some code });And it don't work when set_interval call in delay function:
set_timeout(function(){ console.log('func1'); }, 2000); set_timeout(function(){ console.log('func2'); set_timeout(function(){ console.log('func3'); }, 3000); }, 3000);Output:
func1 func2Why func3 not displayed?
解决方案You're apparently using an event page declared with "persistent": false in manifest.json, it is unloaded after 5 seconds of inactivity. The linked documentation says to use chrome.alarms API.
In case the alarm should be set for a period around 5 seconds:
Don't use the event page, switch to "persistent": true in manifest.json.
In case the alarm should be set for a period much larger than 5 seconds:
"permissions": ["alarms"],
background script:
chrome.alarms.create("MyInterval1", {when: Date.now() + 30*1000}); chrome.alarms.onAlarm.addListener(function(alarm) { if (alarm.name == "MyInterval1") { console.log("Yay!"); chrome.alarms.create("MyInterval1", {when: Date.now() + 30*1000}); } });
Also note: