





我想在一个新的C ++应用程序中使用此DLL。不幸的是,DLL API只是部分记录在案,所以我不知道如何调用一些函数。我有功能签名。

由于VB6应用程序使用这个DLL,我想看看它如何调用几个函数。到目前为止,我已经试过或看过 -

  1. - 要求我为每个函数编写C ++代码。由于我只需要记录这些值,所以看起来好像是一个过分的杀手。

  2. - 与1相同,但允许使用.NET语言编写代码。

  3. , - 我还是要写代码对于每个函数,这一次在Python中。此外,我必须使用 struct 模块在Python中进行许多转换,因为大多数函数使用指针传递值。




  CustomApi.dll | void NameOfFunction(long param1,double& param2); 

稍后,程序中可以使用这些文件将所有调用记录到 NameOfFunction 。现在我只需要弄清楚如何记录数组和结构参数。

In short: I want to monitor selected calls from an application to a DLL.

We have an old VB6 application for which we lost the source code (the company wasn't using source control back then..). This application uses a 3rd party DLL.

I want to use this DLL in a new C++ application. Unfortunately the DLL API is only partially documented, so I don't know how to call some functions. I do have the functions signature.

Since the VB6 application uses this DLL, I want to see how it calls several functions. So far I've tried or looked at -

  1. APIHijack - requires me to write C++ code for each function. Since I only need to log the values, it seems like an overkill.
  2. EasyHook - same as 1, but allows writing in the code in .NET language.
  3. OllyDbg with uHooker - I still have to write code for each function, this time in Python. Also, I have to do many conversions in Python using the struct module, since most functions pass values using pointers.

Since I only need to log functions parameters I want a simple solution. Is there any automated tool, for which I could tell which functions to monitor and their signature, and then get a detailed log file?


Some more Google searching found what I was looking for: WinAPIOverride32. It allows writing text files such as:

CustomApi.dll|void NameOfFunction(long param1, double& param2);

Later on, these files can be used inside the program to log all calls to NameOfFunction. Now I just need to figure out how to log arrays and structs parameters.


08-23 05:55