

上周我重新安装了Windows 7并解压Eclipse和再次重新安装了SDK,但我没有在Eclipse中运行该程序。当我银河手机连接到电脑上,Eclipse将显示错误,并经常在控制台选项卡中写入未能开始监视0A3C202B1601A00A 。过了一会儿,Eclipse的qill显示的Andr​​oid设备选择器窗口。我不能选择 0A3C202B1601A00A

I reinstalled Windows 7 last week and unzipped Eclipse and reinstalled the SDK again, but I didn't run the program in Eclipse. When I connect the Galaxy phone to my computer, Eclipse shows an error and frequently writes in the console tab Failed to start monitoring 0A3C202B1601A00A. After a while, Eclipse qill show an Android Device Chooser window. I can't select 0A3C202B1601A00A.

我用ADB和我写亚行地址和CMD ADB设备,CMD写入守护程序没有运行。

I use ADB and i write adb address and adb devices in cmd, cmd writes deamon not running.


When I disconnect the phone from my computer and I want to run the program with an emulator, the program won't run and when I write adb devices in cmd, cmd nothing written.



杀死通过任务管理器亚行的任务。然后,请在命令提示符下: ADB设备

Kill the adb task via task manager. Then, type at the command prompt: adb devices


This should restart the adb daemon and all is well.


08-23 05:52