



问题是该应用程序运行JBoss缓存,并且作为与此框架集成的一部分,web-inf \lib包含以下jar:

jboss-aop.jar ,jbosscache-core.jar,jboss-common.jar,jboss-common-core.jar,jboss-j2ee.jar,jboss-jmx.jar,jboss-logging-spi.jar
这会导致通过应用程序使用JNDI的问题是因为jboss-common-core.jar包含导致JBoss JNDI工作不正确的命名包。

Our commercial application used to run on different application server and letely we started adjust it to run on JBoss server.The problem is that that application runs JBoss cache and as part of the integration with this framework, the web-inf\lib contains the follwing jars:
jboss-aop.jar, jbosscache-core.jar, jboss-common.jar, jboss-common-core.jar, jboss-j2ee.jar, jboss-jmx.jar, jboss-logging-spi.jarThis causes a problem to use JNDI through the application because the jboss-common-core.jar contain naming package that cause JBoss JNDI to work incorrect.So I need to find a way to organise my jars that on one hand jboss cache will keep working and on the other hand not to interfere to the work of JNDI

也许它包括将部分或全部这些罐子从web-inf \lib移动到/ server / default / lib

Perhaps it include moving the some or all those jars from the web-inf\lib to the /server/default/libLooking for someone who is familiar in this subject


(continue of this thread:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2847375/problem-configure-jboss-to-work-with-jndi3)


JBoss appserver预装了JBossCache,因此您的webapp不需要包含它。如果你尝试,那么你会得到类加载器的问题,因为JBossCache使用了一些非常低级的库。

JBoss appserver comes with JBossCache pre-packaged, so your webapp doesn't need to include it. If you try, then you'll get classloader problems, since JBossCache uses some pretty low-level libraries.

这个问题有一个副作用,就是那个似乎没有办法在JBoss appserver中升级JBossCache的版本(由于那些共享的低级库)。 JBossAS 4.2.3附带JBossCache 1.4.1,比当前版本落后2代。我花了很多时间试图解决这个问题,但我还没有管理它,所以我的应用程序都停留在1.4.1。

There is a side-effect to this problem, which is that there seems to be no way to upgrade the version of JBossCache within JBoss appserver (due to those same shared low-level libraries). JBossAS 4.2.3 ships with JBossCache 1.4.1, which is 2 generations behind the current release. I've spent quite some time trying to get around this, but I've yet to manage it, and so my apps are all stuck on 1.4.1.


08-23 05:38