



我正在尝试构建和服务我的项目.它运行正常,我从git更新了它,然后在我提供它时突然出现了一个错误,提示另一个进程,ID为29800,当前正在运行ngcc."我重试了"npm i",还重新启动了IDE甚至pc,但是仍然说的一样.

I'm trying to build and serve my project. It was working properly, I updated it from git and then suddenly when I serve it, there is an Error saying "Another process, with id 29800, is currently running ngcc."I retried "npm i", also restarted the IDE and even pc, but it still says the same.


这种情况发生在ngcc(Angular兼容性编译器)未完成其工作时,您必须在Angular项目中启用了ivy. 在此处阅读以获取有关常春藤的更多信息.

This happens when ngcc (Angular compatibility compiler) is not finished doing what it does, you must have enabled ivy in your Angular project. read here for more info about ivy.

  1. 首先尝试再次运行npm install,以查看它是否可以解决您的问题.
  2. 尝试手动运行ngcc.
  3. 删除此文件node_modules/@angular/compiler-cli/ngcc/__ngcc_lock_file__
  4. 如果上述方法均无效,请删除node_modules目录,然后再次尝试.
  1. First try to run npm install again, to see if it fixes your problem.
  2. Try to run ngcc manually.
  3. remove this file node_modules/@angular/compiler-cli/ngcc/__ngcc_lock_file__
  4. If none of the above worked, then remove node_modules directory and try npm i again.


08-23 05:37