本文介绍了分离使用python multiprocessing模块启动的子进程的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I would like to create a process using the mutliprocessing module in python but ensure it continues running after the process that created the subprocess exits.


I can get the required functionality using the subprocess module and Popen, but I want to run my code as a function, not as a script. The reason I want to do this is to simplify creating pyro (python remote objects) objects. I want to start the pyro object request handler in a separate process using multiprocessing, but then I want the main process to exit while the process supporting the pyro object continues to run.



I finally got what I wanted. I appreciate any suggestions to improve the code.

def start_server():
    pyrodaemon = Pyro.core.Daemon()
    #setup daemon and nameserver
    #Don't want to close the pyro socket
    #Need to remove SIGTERM map so Processing doesn't kill the subprocess
    #Need to explicitly detach for some reason I don't understand
    with daemon.DaemonContext(files_preserve=[pyrodaemon.sock],signal_map={signal.SIGTERM:None},detach_process=True):
        while running:
    #when finished, clean up

def main():
    p = Process(target=start_server)
    p.daemon=True # Need to inform Process that this should run as a daemon
    time.sleep(3.0) # Important when running this program stand alone: Must wait long enough for start_server to get into the daemon context before the main program exits or Process will take down the subprocess before it detaches

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08-23 05:29