




I built a chess app with Python and used Flask to create a site for users to play on. I used Heroku to deploy the app (http://pythonchessapp.herokuapp.com/). I am new to web development and was wondering how I can handle multiple users (on separate laptops or tabs) going on the site to play the app? Something like having a unique game id per user to serve a different game to different requests. Below is some of my code for routes and initializing games. I basically initialize a Board object that handles moves and tracks board states. I use js to send info on moves to the server to make moves. I would also like to end a game after a user exits the site. Does anyone have any ideas?


I've only included the initial route that creates the board and renders the initial page, and the route that deals with executing moves.

from logic.chess_board import Board
from logic.chess_pieces import *

b = Board()

@app.route('/', methods=["GET", "POST"])
@app.route('/chess', methods=["GET", "POST"])
def chess():

    flipped = b.flipped

    img_dict = b.board_html()

    return render_template('base.html', img_dict=img_dict, flipped=flipped)

@app.route('/execute', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def execute():
    if request.method == "POST":

        castle = None
        error = False
        outcome = False
        empty = None

        sq_one = eval(request.get_json()['sq_one'])
        sq_two = eval(request.get_json()['sq_two'])
        piece = b.board[sq_one]

        if type(piece) == King and (piece.castle['king_side'] == sq_two or piece.castle['queen_side'] == sq_two):
            y = sq_one[1]
            if piece.castle['king_side'] == sq_two:
                r_one = str((8, y))
                r_two = str((6, y))

            elif piece.castle['queen_side'] == sq_two:
                r_one = str((1, y))
                r_two = str((4, y))
            castle = [r_one, r_two]

            b.move(sq_one, sq_two)
            if b.game_over():
                outcome = b.outcome
            empty = b.js_remove()
        except Exception as e:
            error = str(e)
        response = {'error': error, 'castle': castle, 'empty': empty, 'outcome': outcome}

    return make_response(jsonify(response))


这可以通过库 cachelib 使用Flask的会话 Board 的实例c>对象,以在cookie中存储唯一键。

This could be achieved with the library cachelib to store your instance of Board in pickled format, using Flask's session object to store a unique key in the cookie.

使用 pip安装cachelib 进行安装或添加 cachelib requirements.txt

Install with pip install cachelib or add cachelib to your requirements.txt.


Start by importing the required libs and initialising the cache:

from flask import Flask, session
import pickle
from uuid import uuid4
from cachelib.simple import SimpleCache

c = SimpleCache(default_timeout=0)

app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'somesupersecretkey'
app = Flask(__name__)


A quick function to return a unique ID:

def generate_id():
    return uuid4().__str__()

代替设置 b = Board()在全局级别上,我们将在函数内部执行此操作并将其返回。

Instead of setting b = Board() at the global level, we will do this inside a function and return it.

因此我们可以定义一个函数来加载板。这看起来是要查看 session 对象(cookie存储)中是否存在键 game_id 。如果是这样,我们将从缓存中加载电路板。如果没有,此功能将仅创建一个新板。您还可以在此块的 else 子句中执行其他板子初始化步骤:

So we could define a function which loads a board. This looks to see if the key game_id exists in the session object (cookie storage). If it does, we load the board from our cache. If not, this function will just create a new board. You could also do other board initialization steps in the else clause of this block:

def load_board():

    if 'game_id' in session:
        pb = c.get(session['game_id'])
        board = pickle.loads(pb)
        # Initialize new board
        board = Board()

    return board

现在我们创建一个保存板子的函数。这会立即使我们作为参数传递的腌制,然后将其保存在缓存中。根据 session 对象(cookie存储)中是否存在 game_id ,它将使用该ID或生成一个

Now we create a function which saves the board. This immediately pickles the board we pass as an argument, then saves it in the cache. Depending on whether a game_id exists in the session object (cookie storage) it will either use that ID, or generate a new one.

def save_board(board):

    pb = pickle.dumps(board)

    if 'game_id' in session:
        c.set(session['game_id'], pb)
        unique_id = generate_id()
        session['game_id'] = unique_id
        c.set(unique_id, pb)


With these utility functions, you can now persist a board across requests:

@app.route('/chess', methods=["GET", "POST"])
def chess():

    b = load_board()

    flipped = b.flipped
    img_dict = b.board_html()


    return render_template('base.html', img_dict=img_dict, flipped=flipped)


@app.route('/execute', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def execute():
    if request.method == "POST":
        b = load_board()

        # All of your logic

        # Finally save the board
        return make_response(jsonify(response))

可以使用不同的方法来设计此功能。 SimpleCache 可以将所有内容存储在内存中,这应该很好,假设您只与一名Gunicorn工人一起跑步。

There's probably different ways you could design this functionality in. SimpleCache stores everything in memory, which should be fine, assuming you only run with 1 gunicorn worker.

最终,如果您超出了一个工人的负担,或者发现您的Web dyno的内存占用量太大,则可以切换 SimpleCache 可以轻松实现 RedisCache ,而无需更改太多逻辑。

Eventually if you outgrew a single worker, or found the memory footprint of your web dyno was too high, you could switch SimpleCache out for RedisCache easily without changing much logic. This would also be needed to persist the data across dyno restarts.

cachelib 库很小,因此您可以以查看其他可用的后端和方法。

The cachelib library is tiny so you can read the code to see the other available backends and methods.


08-23 05:29