


I am trying to run a shell script in the background on an Android phone via ADB. To simplify let's make it sleep 100:

$ adb shell
$ echo "nohup sleep 100&" > /data/local/tmp/test.sh
$ sh /data/local/tmp/test.sh
(does not block and returns to the shell immediately as expected. However:)
$ exit
(blocks until the sleep process is done)


Doing the same thing through a single adb command line is blocking as well:

$ adb shell sh /data/local/tmp/test.sh

可以正确运行脚本,但是adb调用会阻塞,直到 sleep 100完成。如果我CTRL-C退出adb,则睡眠进程将继续运行,因此nohup部分似乎正常工作。

Does run the script correctly, but the adb call blocks until 'sleep 100' is done. The sleep process keeps running if I CTRL-C out of adb, so the nohup part seems to be working correctly.


How can I get adb to exit after spawning the subprocess without forcefully killing the adb process on the host side?


adb shell'nohup sleep 10 2>不会强制杀死主机端的adb进程吗? / dev / null 1> / dev / null&'可以正常工作-启动该过程,并且不会阻塞。

adb shell 'nohup sleep 10 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null &' works as expected - starts the process and does not block.


08-23 05:23