




I have a script that I want to run from within Python (2.6.5) that follows the logic below:

  • 提示用户输入密码.看起来像(输入密码:")(*注意:输入内容不会回显到屏幕上)
  • 输出无关信息
  • 提示用户进行响应("Blah Blah filename.txt blah blah(Y/N)?:")


The last prompt line contains text which I need to parse (filename.txt). The response provided doesn't matter (the program could actually exit here without providing one, as long as I can parse the line).

我的要求有点 ,但是那里的响应似乎有些混乱,即使OP提到它不适合,我的仍然挂起他.

My requirements are somewhat similar to Wrapping an interactive command line application in a Python script, but the responses there seem a bit confusing, and mine still hangs even when the OP mentions that it doesn't for him.


Through looking around, I've come to the conclusion that subprocess is the best way of doing this, but I'm having a few issues. Here is my Popen line:

p = subprocess.Popen("cmd", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)

  • 当我在stdout上调用read()readline()时,提示是打印机到屏幕上并且挂起.

    • When I call a read() or readline() on stdout, the prompt is printer to the screen and it hangs.

      如果我为stdin调用write("password\n"),则提示将写入屏幕并挂起. write()中的文本未写入(我不将光标移至新行).

      If I call a write("password\n") for stdin, the prompt is written to the screen and it hangs. The text in write() is not written (I don't the cursor move the a new line).


      If I call p.communicate("password\n"), same behavior as write()


      I was looking for a few ideas here on the best way to input to stdin and possibly how to parse the last line in the output if your feeling generous, though I could probably figure that out eventually.


      如果与正在产生子流程的程序进行通信,则应签出 .我的应用程序遇到类似的问题,发现使用 queues 是与子流程进行持续通信的最佳方法.

      If you are communicating with a program that subprocess spawns, you should check out A non-blocking read on a subprocess.PIPE in Python. I had a similar problem with my application and found using queues to be the best way to do ongoing communication with a subprocess.

      对于从用户那里获取值,您始终可以使用内置的raw_input()来获取响应,对于密码,请尝试使用 getpass 模块可获取用户的非回显密码.然后,您可以解析这些响应并将其写入子进程的stdin.

      As for getting values from the user, you can always use the raw_input() builtin to get responses, and for passwords, try using the getpass module to get non-echoing passwords from your user. You can then parse those responses and write them to your subprocess' stdin.


      I ended up doing something akin to the following:

      import sys
      import subprocess
      from threading import Thread
          from Queue import Queue, Empty
      except ImportError:
          from queue import Queue, Empty  # Python 3.x
      def enqueue_output(out, queue):
          for line in iter(out.readline, b''):
      def getOutput(outQueue):
          outStr = ''
              while True: # Adds output from the Queue until it is empty
          except Empty:
              return outStr
      p = subprocess.Popen("cmd", stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False, universal_newlines=True)
      outQueue = Queue()
      errQueue = Queue()
      outThread = Thread(target=enqueue_output, args=(p.stdout, outQueue))
      errThread = Thread(target=enqueue_output, args=(p.stderr, errQueue))
      outThread.daemon = True
      errThread.daemon = True
          someInput = raw_input("Input: ")
      except NameError:
          someInput = input("Input: ")
      errors = getOutput(errQueue)
      output = getOutput(outQueue)


      Once you have the queues made and the threads started, you can loop through getting input from the user, getting errors and output from the process, and processing and displaying them to the user.


08-23 05:21