



我开发了一个有 1 个进程和 2 个服务的 Android 应用程序.但我注意到Google 服务"有 2 个进程和 1 个服务.它怎么会有2个进程?我在 Processes and Threads 做了一些阅读以尝试了解更多关于流程的信息.它谈到有一个清单条目,但没有一个具体的例子,我不明白.有人可以解释一个 Android 应用程序如何可以有 1 个以上的进程并提供一个具体的例子吗?

I have developed an Android application that has 1 process and 2 services. But I noticed that "Google Services" has 2 processes and 1 service. How can it have 2 processes? I did some reading at Processes and Threads to try to understand more about processes. It talks about having a manifest entry, but without a concrete example I don't get it. Can someone explain how an Android application can have more than 1 process and provide a concrete example of that?


您可以在清单中指定 android:process=":remote" 以在单独的进程中运行活动/服务.

You can specify android:process=":remote" in your manifest to have an activity/service run in a seperate process.


The "remote" is just the name of the remote process, and you can call it whatever you want. If you want several activities/services to run in the same process, just give it the same name.

<activity android:name=".RemoteActivity" android:label="@string/app_name" android:process=":RemoteActivityProcess"/>


08-23 05:16