


I didn't think it was possible but I was just talking to a co-worker who said she had done it before. Is she pulling my chain?



It's not something you can do automatically.

诀窍是,在这两个WinForms和WebForms的形式被重新由一个普通的老班psented $ P $。但是,每次处理一个事件为表单的时间在asp.net web表单,你正在使用的类的一个全新的实例。微软去了很多麻烦,试图盖此问题,尽可能,但最终它只是没有想到一个WebForm,在相同的条件作为一个WinForm是一个好主意。

The trick is that in both winforms and webforms a form is represented by a plain old class. However, every time you handle an event for your form in asp.net webforms you're working with a brand new instance of the class. Microsoft went to a lot of trouble to try cover for this issue as much as possible, but in the end it's just not a good idea to think of a webform in the same terms as a winform.


So you can definitely take a winforms app and rewrite it to use webforms, but it will be just that: a rewrite.


08-23 05:12