




For local development I have a working minikube. There we have different services deployed. Now I want to connect the Frontend with the Backend.


The Frontend is a angular application and lives in its own service.The Backend is a node.js application also using a separate service and uses DNS to connect to other internal services like mongodb.

现在,我想从前端与后端进行通信. DNS不起作用,因为前端不知道如何解析命名的路由.问题是告诉前端应使用哪个后端URL和端口向其发送请求?

Now I want to communicate from the Frontend with the Backend. DNS is not working because the Frontend does not know how to resolve the named route. The problem is to tell the frontend which backend URL and port it should use to send requests to?


The only working state was approached when I first started the Backend service with type NodePort and copied the url and port to the Frontends target URL. I think this is very unclean to me. Is there another approach to get the url for backend requests into the Frontend?


I know when we deploy a service on a production system with type="LoadBalancer" that the service is exposed by an external IP and I can access the service then from there. And that the external IP will be permanent at pod updates and so on. The problem I also see is that the backend IP needs to be injected into the docker container by an additional commit.


Edit(1): The backend service

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: backend
    app: some-app
    tier: backend
  type: NodePort
  - port: 3000
    app: some-app
    tier: backend


Edit(2): I also get this response when I request from the client with a fqn:

OPTIONS http://backend.default.svc.cluster.local:3000/signup/ net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED



First I will try to address your specific questions

您在这里有几个选择1)如您所说,请使用type ="LoadBalancer".或2)通过前端服务器

You have couple of options here 1) As you said, use type="LoadBalancer". OR 2) Proxy all your backend calls through your front end server

  1. 通过将配置从您的代码移到平台上(使其成为k8s configmap或像consul/eureka这样的外部KV注册表),使它成为12因子应用程序(或比12因子应用程序靠近1步:).
  2. 即使如您所说,即使保留在代码中,外部IP也将是可引用的,除非您这样做,否则它将不会更改.我不明白为什么您需要其他部署



Proxy all your backend calls through your front end server

If you are routing (or willing to route) all your microservices/backend call thru the server side of your front end and if are deploying both your front end and backend in the same k8s cluster in the same namespace, then you can use KubeDNS add-on (If it is not available in your k8s cluster yet, you can check with the k8s admin) to resolve the backend service name to it's IP. From your front end server, Your backend service will always be resolvable by it's name.

由于您的k8s群集中有kubeDNS,并且前端和后端服务都位于相同的k8s群集和相同的名称空间中,因此我们可以利用k8s的内置服务发现机制.后端服务和前端服务可以通过名称相互发现.这意味着,您只需使用DNS名称后端"即可从前端 pod 访问后端服务.因此,只需将所有后端请求通过您的前端nginx代理到您的上游后端服务即可.在前端nginx pod 中,域名"backend"的域名可以解析为后端服务的IP.这也将使您避免CORS头痛.此设置是可移植的,这意味着无论您是在开发阶段还是阶段还是产品中部署,名称后端"将始终解析为相应的后端.

Since you have kubeDNS in your k8s cluster, and both frontend and backend services resides in same k8s cluster and same namespace, we can make use of k8s' inbuilt service discovery mechanism. Backend service and frontend service will be discoverable each other by it's name. That means, you can simply use the DNS name "backend" to reach your backend service from your frontend pods. So, just proxy all the backend request through your front end nginx to your upstream backend service. In the frontend nginx pods, backend service's IP will resolvable for the domain name "backend". This will save you the CORS headache too. This setup is portable, meaning, it doesn't matter whether you are deploying in dev or stage or prod, name "backend" will always resolve to the corresponding backend.


A potential pitfall of this approach is, your backend may not be able to scale independent of frontend; Which is not a big deal in my humble opinion; In a k8s environment, it is just a matter of spinning up more pods if needed.

很好奇-前端服务是什么(哪种服务器技术正在将index.html传递到用户的浏览器)?是像nginx或apache httpd这样的静态服务器,还是在这里使用nodejs?

Just curious- What is serving your front end (which server technology is delivering your index.html to user's browser)? is it static servers like nginx or apache httpd or are you using nodejs here?


08-23 04:52