




In the Stack Overflow podcasts, Joel Spolsky constantly harps on Jeff Atwood about Jeff not knowing how to write code in C. His statement is that "knowing C helps you write better code." He also always uses some sort of story involving string manipulation and how knowing C would allow you to write more efficient string routines in a different language.


As someone who knows a little C, but loves to write code in perl and other high-level languages, I have never once come across a problem that I was able to solve by writing C.


I am looking for examples of real-world situations where knowing C would be useful while writing a project in a high-level/dynamic language like perl or python.


Reading some of the answers you guys have submitted have been great, but still doesn't make any sense to me in this regard:

拿strcat的例子。有一个正确的方式和错误的方式,以字符串C.联合但是,为什么要我(作为一个高层次的开发者)认为,我比Larry Wall的聪明吗?为什么不语言设计者写的字符串操作code的正确方法?

Take the strcat example. There's a right way and a wrong way to combine strings in C. But why should I (as a high-level developer) think that I am smarter than Larry Wall? Why wouldn't the language designers write the string manipulation code the right way?



The classic example that Joel Spolsky uses is on misuse of strcat and strlen, and spotting "Shlemiel the painter" algorithms in general.

这并不是说你需要C到解决高级语言解决不了的问题,那就是知道Ç好给你什么回事的语言所有这些层面,可以让你写出更好的软件下方的观点。因为正是这样一个角度可以帮助您避免编写code是,您不知道的,实际上是为O(n ^ 2),例如

It's not that you need C to solve problems that higher-level languages can't solve, it's that knowing C well gives you a perspective on what's going on underneath all those levels of languages that allows you to write better software. Because just such a perspective helps you avoid writing code which is, unknown to you, actually O(n^2), for example.



Knowing C is not a prerequisite for such knowledge, there are many ways to acquire the same knowledge.


Knowing C is also not a guarantee of these skills. You may be proficient in C and yet still write horrible, grotty, kludgy code in every other language you touch.


C is a low-level language, yet it still has modern control structures and functions so you aren't always getting caught up in the fiddly details. It's very difficult to become proficient at C without gaining a mastery of certain fundamentals (such as the details of memory management and pointers), mastery of which often pays rich dividends when working in any language.


这是许多追求以及软件工程如此。这已经不是秘密咒语,让最优秀的程序员最好的,而它是基本面有较大把握。经验表明的C知识趋于具有较高的相关性对某些那些基本面掌握,并且学习C ++的往往是更容易和更常见的路线中的一个来获取这样的知识

This is true in many pursuits as well as software engineering. It is not secret incantations that make the best programmers the best, rather it is a greater mastery of the fundamentals. Experience has shown that knowledge of C tends to have a higher correlation to mastery of certain of those fundamentals, and that learning C tends to be one of the easier and more common routes to acquiring such knowledge.


08-23 04:46