




I can add single column sorting to jqgrid, no problem. How can I add multi-column sorting to jqgrid?


That is, sort by column 1, then sort by column 2, the final sort order is: column 2, column 1



Current version of jqGrid not support multi-column sorting.


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  • 导出为PDF
  • 冻结列
  • 按多列排序
  • 按多列分组
  • Export to PDF
  • Freeze columns
  • Sort by multiple columns
  • Group by multiple columns

通常,您可以尝试通过修改 onSortCol 事件处理程序="noreferrer"> setGridParam .例如,在两列的列索引如firstNamelastName的情况下,第一列的排序仅意味着将sortname作为'firstName'并将sortorder作为'asc'.如果要首先按firstNamelastName进行排序,则可以将sortname设置为"firstname asc,lastName",将sortorder设置为"asc".您的服务器程序应该可以解释这一点,但是如果您仅构造ORDER BY之类的内容,例如ORDER BY $sidx $sord(请参阅 http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:first_grid#php_and_mysql_example_file ),它将起作用.

In general you can try to implement multi-sorting yourself by modifying sortname and sortorder parameters of jqGrid inside onSortCol event handler with respect of setGridParam. In case of two columns which having column indexes like firstName and lastName for example the sorting by the first column only imply having sortname as 'firstName' and sortorder as 'asc'. If you want to sort first by the firstName and by lastName as the secont criteria you can set sortname as 'firstName asc, lastName' and sortorder as 'asc'. Your server program should of cause be able to interpret this, but if you just construct ORDER BY something like ORDER BY $sidx $sord (see http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:first_grid#php_and_mysql_example_file) it will work.


08-23 03:49