8/21/2013 EWK144DG04泄漏测试 - 围裙喂料器清洁链 8/22/2013振动测量 8/23 / 2013 Wear Measurem ent 8/24/2013 EWK114CR05的岸上测量 - 破碎机(DRS1000X2000) 8/25/2013 EWK175BC03的油分析 - 皮带输送机 8/26/2013 EWK114DC08上的第一级停止检查 - 除尘器 8/27/2013 EWK144DG04泄漏测试 - 围裙进料器清洁链 谢谢Please I have an excel file with two columns; one column is for "dates" while the other is for "Office plan".I want to import data from "Office plan" for some specific dates into a textbox in VB.net however, I'll like the program to read the entire "dates" column and pick out the "Office plan" for a particular chosen date.For example in the excel data below, I want all the "Office plans" (Total of 6 in bold) for 8/21/2013 to be imported into a textbox in vb.netDates Office plan8/21/2013 Vibration Measurement8/21/2013 Wear Measurement8/21/2013 Shore Measurement on EWK114CR05 - Crusher (DRS1000X2000)8/21/2013 Oil Analysis on EWK175BC03 - Belt Conveyor8/21/2013 First level Stopped Inspections on EWK114DC08 - Dust Collector8/21/2013 Leakage Test on EWK144DG04 - Cleaning Chain of Apron Feeder8/22/2013 Vibration Measurement8/23/2013 Wear Measurement8/24/2013 Shore Measurement on EWK114CR05 - Crusher (DRS1000X2000)8/25/2013 Oil Analysis on EWK175BC03 - Belt Conveyor8/26/2013 First level Stopped Inspections on EWK114DC08 - Dust Collector8/27/2013 Leakage Test on EWK144DG04 - Cleaning Chain of Apron FeederThank you推荐答案看看这里:从.NET应用程序访问Microsoft Office数据 [ ^ ] 我建议使用ADO.NET:如何使用ADO.NET在Visual Basic .NET的Excel工作簿中检索和修改记录 [ ^ ] 如需了解更多信息,请,s ee: 使用ADO和ADO.NET WITH EXCEL:资源和已知问题 [ ^ ]Have a look here: Accessing Microsoft Office Data from .NET Applications[^]I would suggest to use ADO.NET: How To Use ADO.NET to Retrieve and Modify Records in an Excel Workbook With Visual Basic .NET[^]For further information, please, see:USING ADO AND ADO.NET WITH EXCEL: Resources and Known Issues[^] 这篇关于将多个Excel数据添加到文本框的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-23 03:46