



在我的应用程序中,我使用用户名文本字段、密码文本字段和登录按钮登录.当点击登录按钮时,我检查字段.这次我需要显示一个活动指标,但我的 var 活动指标总是隐藏的.这是我的代码.

in my app i have a login with a usernamaeTextfield, passwordtextfield and login button. When the login button is tapped i check the fields. I need show a activityindicator in this time, but my var activityindicator is always hidden.This is my code.

@IBOutlet weak var activity: UIActivityIndicatorView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
    self.activity.hidden = true

@IBAction func login(sender: AnyObject) {
    activity.hidden = false
    if (self.username.isEmpty || self.password.isEmpty){
            self.showAlert("Asegurese de ingresar un usuario y contraseña!")
            var user = user_function()
            if !user.user_valid(self.username,password: self.password){
                self.showAlert("Usuario Invalido")


    activity.hidden = true

我的 user_valid 代码是

my code of user_valid is

func user_valid(username :String, password : String)->Bool{
    var resultados : Array<JSON> = []
    userbase64 = self.encode_to_base64(username)
    passbase64 = self.encode_to_base64(password)

    var api = channels_function()

     resultados =  api.load_videos("https://api.cxntv.com/api/v1/videos/?type=canales&page_size=100&ordering=-id")

    if errormessage.isEmpty{
        saver_user(userbase64, passbase64: passbase64, username: username, password: password)
        errormessage = ""
        return true

        errormessage = ""
        return false}


func load_videos(url :String)->Array<JSON>{
    var resultados : Array<JSON> = []
    var request = Get_Data()

    self.task_completed = false
    request.remoteUrl = url
    request.getData({data, error -> Void in
        println("los datos")
        if (data != nil){
            // Fix possible error if no "results" key
            if let results = data["results"].array {
                resultados = results
                self.task_completed = true


            println("Data reloaded")
        } else {
            println("api.getData failed")
            self.task_completed = true


    return resultados


var remoteUrl = ""
func getData(completionHandler: ((JSON!, NSError!) -> Void)!) -> Void {

    let url: NSURL = NSURL(string: remoteUrl)!
    let request: NSMutableURLRequest = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: url)
    let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
    request.addValue(userbase64 ,forHTTPHeaderField: "X_CXN_USER")
    request.addValue( passbase64,forHTTPHeaderField: "X_CXN_PASS")
    let task = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request, completionHandler: {data, response, error -> Void in
        if (error != nil) {
            return completionHandler(nil, error)
        var error: NSError?
        let json = JSON(data : data)
        if (error != nil){
            return completionHandler(nil, error)
        } else {
            if let results = json["detail"].string {
                errormessage = results
                return completionHandler(nil, error)
            } else {
                return completionHandler(json, nil)




问题在于 loadVideos,您在其中采用了一个非常好的异步方法并使其同步(阻止 UI 更新), 并且,使用旋转的 while 循环以一种非常低效的方式完成了这项工作.相反,使 loadVideos 异步:

The problem is loadVideos, in which you've taken a very nice, asynchronous method and made it synchronous (blocking UI updates), and, have done so in a pretty inefficient manner with a spinning while loop. Instead, make loadVideos asynchronous:

func loadVideos(url:String, completionHandler: (Array<JSON>?) -> ()) {
    var request = Get_Data()

    request.remoteUrl = url
    request.getData {data, error in
        println("los datos")
        if (data != nil){
            // Fix possible error if no "results" key
            if let results = data["results"].array {

            println("Data reloaded")
        } else {
            println("api.getData failed")

然后 userValid 应该使用完成块参数(使用它自己的 completionBlock 模式):

And then userValid should use the completion block parameter (employing a completionBlock pattern of its own):

func userValid(username :String, password : String, completionHandler: (Bool) -> ()) {
    userbase64 = encode_to_base64(username)
    passbase64 = encode_to_base64(password)

    var api = channelsFunction()

    api.loadVideos("https://api.cxntv.com/api/v1/videos/?type=canales&page_size=100&ordering=-id") { results in

        if results != nil {
            saver_user(userbase64, passbase64: passbase64, username: username, password: password)
            errormessage = ""


然后 login 也会异步调用它:

And then login would call this asynchronously, too:

@IBAction func login(sender: AnyObject) {
    activity.hidden = false
    if username.isEmpty || password.isEmpty {
        showAlert("Asegurese de ingresar un usuario y contraseña!")
    } else {
        userValid() { success in
            if !user.user_valid(self.username,password: self.password){
                self.showAlert("Usuario Invalido")


            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
                activity.hidden = true

我确定我没有正确掌握您的所有函数和变量,但希望您能看到这种模式:不要使用同步方法并在异步方法中使用 completionHandler 参数.

I'm sure I don't have all of your functions and variables right, but hopefully you can see the pattern: Don't use synchronous methods and use completionHandler parameters with your asynchronous methods.



If you want to see my original answer, that I posted before you shared the additional code, see the revision history of this answer. But the above outlines the basic approach.


08-23 03:22