


After a few hours of searching I must admit that I am defeated.


I have read the Django docs but I really can't find a solution to my problem.


EmploymentFormSet = inlineformset_factory(Profile, Employment, form=EmploymentForm, extra=3)

此代码位于基于类的视图中,该视图继承自 UpdateView ,此外还继承于方法 get_context_data(self,* args,** kwargs):

This code lives in a classbased view which inherits from UpdateView and furthermore in the method get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):


This is pretty straight forward as the inlineformset_factory creates an EmploymentFormSet.


queryset = Employment.objects.filter(profile__pk=self.kwargs['pk']).values()
context['emp_formset'] = EmploymentFormSet(prefix='emp_form', initial=queryset, auto_id=True)

我认为通过提供 initial = queryset (仅适用于未绑定实例IIRC),它会在我的表单集中填充尽可能多的queryset.

I thought by supplying initial=queryset, which only applies to unbound instances IIRC, it would populate my formset with as many as the queryset would contain.

因此,在我的情况下,查询集将返回4个 Employments ,但是当使用 extra 参数时,我正在构造的表单集仅填充了该参数定义的数量,在我的示例中只有3个,因为我仅定义了3个额外功能.增加多余的部分将逐渐填充表格.

So the queryset will in my case return 4 Employments but when using the extra parameter, the formset I'm constructing are only filled with as many as this parameter defines, in my example only 3 since I defined only 3 extras. Incrementing the extra will populate the forms incrementally.

我尝试将 BaseInlineFormSet 子类化,但是我并没有真正突破.

I've tried subclassing the BaseInlineFormSet but I haven't really broken through the wall.


My question is how would I go about to populate the formset with as many forms as the queryset contains, I'm not really out for an exact solution but more of a pointer in the right the direction! :)




I solved it by constructing this method

def set_extra_forms(extra_forms, **kwargs):
    EmploymentFormSet = inlineformset_factory(Profile, Employment, form=EmploymentForm, extra=extra_forms)
    return EmploymentFormSet(**kwargs)


Now I do believe this is the way to go but I have to refactor the code in order to make it more dynamic right now its connected to one class and one class only but it works like a charm.


08-23 03:21