




What i am trying to do is listen to a socket of 5000, which works perfectly with the code

TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, 5000);
NetworkStream Network;
TcpClient client;
client = listener.AcceptTcpClient();


but when the server has two clients that connect to the server they both listen to the same message coming through as they are multi threaded, i dont want this to happen because with them reading each other they are removing bytes from the network stream.


so my question is, is there a way for the listener to listen to any ip until it finally receives a connection, then once the connection has been made the thread only listens to that ip address??




TCP does not work that way.When you create a TCP socket, bind to port A, and listen what you have is :

  • 端口A上的监听套接字

一个客户端连接到服务器,结果是克隆了侦听套接字,克隆是套接字对的一部分,另一个套接字是连接套接字. 克隆"插座称为维修插座.最终结果:

A client connects to the server, what happens is that the listening socket is cloned, the clone is part of a socket pair, the other socket is the connecting socket. The 'cloned' socket is called the servicing socket. End result :

  • 端口A上的监听套接字(仍然存在,您没有将其关闭)
  • 端口A上的服务插座,但是是一对插座的一部分. (IPA(A),IPB(B))


The socket pair identifies the connection! When something is received at TCP level, the source ip address and port are also checked and as such the right servicing socket is identified where upon the reception will take place.You never ever receive data on a listening socket.


If another client connects you get this, assuming a different ip address and port:

  • 端口A上的监听套接字(仍然存在,您没有关闭它)
  • 端口A上的服务插座,但是是一对插座的一部分. (IPA(A),IPB(B))
  • 端口A上的服务插座,但是是一对插座的一部分. (IPA(A),IPC(C))


and this is assuming that no connections are closed. You see now you have 3 sockets on your server system, all using the same port. 1 listening socket, and a servicing socket per connection that is being establised. ie per client. Each connection is distinct, the right socket will receive data that belongs to the connection. There are only 2 ends in a connection, and connections are bidirectional.


TCP is a bit complex, you may find my explanation daunting in which case you should try to read more about TCP in books, or on the internet. Also socket programming is an interesting read because a mere explanation of TCP does not explain what happens at socket level.


08-23 03:17