

我想在 dplyr 的函数中使用变量名作为字符串。请参见下面的示例:

I want to use variable names as strings in functions of dplyr. See the example below:

df <- data.frame(
      color = c("blue", "black", "blue", "blue", "black"),
      value = 1:5)
filter(df, color == "blue")

它工作得很好,但我想通过字符串引用 color 这个:

It works perfectly, but I would like to refer to color by string, something like this:

var <- "color"
filter(df, this_probably_should_be_a_function(var) == "blue").

我会很高兴,以任何方式做到这一点,超级快乐,要阅读 dplyr 语法。

I would be happy, to do this by any means and super-happy to make use of easy-to-read dplyr syntax.


dplyr 0.3 每个 dplyr 函数使用非标准评估(NSE,请参阅和)有一个标准评估(SE)双胞胎以下划线结尾。这些可以用于传递变量。对于过滤器,它将是 filter _ 。使用 filter _ 可以将逻辑条件作为字符串传递。

As of dplyr 0.3 every dplyr function using non standard evaluation (NSE, see release post and vignette) has a standard evaluation (SE) twin ending in an underscore. These can be used for passing variables. For filter it will be filter_. Using filter_ you may pass the logical condition as a string.

filter_(df, "color=='blue'")

#   color value
# 1  blue     1
# 2  blue     3
# 3  blue     4


Construing the string with the logical condition is of course straighforward

l <- paste(var, "==",  "'blue'")
filter_(df, l)


08-23 02:26