I want to create an entity that has a Many to One relationship with JHipster's User entity.
我已经使用JDL-Studio创建了以下与User的实体和关系,这些实体和关系使用jhipster import-jdl作为.jh文件导入到我的微服务中:
I've used JDL-Studio to create the following entity and relationship to User which is imported into my Microservice as a .jh file using jhipster import-jdl:
entity Profile {
name String required
bio String
location String
photo ImageBlob
relationship ManyToOne {
Profile{user} to User
angularSuffix * with mySuffix
dto * with mapstruct
Upon compiling my Micro Service I get the following errors:
ProfileMapper.java:12:错误:找不到符号 @Mapper(componentModel ="spring",使用= {UserMapper.class,})符号:类UserMapper
ProfileMapper.java:12: error: cannot find symbol @Mapper(componentModel = "spring", uses = {UserMapper.class, }) symbol: class UserMapper
ProfileMapper.java:12:错误:无法检索@Mapper批注 @Mapper(componentModel ="spring",使用= {UserMapper.class,})
ProfileMapper.java:12: error: Couldn't retrieve @Mapper annotation @Mapper(componentModel = "spring", uses = {UserMapper.class, })
Lines 43-44 of Profile.java are:
private User user;
and ProfileMapper.java is as follows:
package com.moogrisoft.openseas.service.mapper;
import com.moogrisoft.openseas.domain.*;
import com.moogrisoft.openseas.service.dto.ProfileDTO;
import org.mapstruct.*;
import java.util.List;
* Mapper for the entity Profile and its DTO ProfileDTO.
@Mapper(componentModel = "spring", uses = {UserMapper.class, })
public interface ProfileMapper {
@Mapping(source = "user.id", target = "userId")
ProfileDTO profileToProfileDTO(Profile profile);
List<ProfileDTO> profilesToProfileDTOs(List<Profile> profiles);
@Mapping(source = "userId", target = "user")
Profile profileDTOToProfile(ProfileDTO profileDTO);
List<Profile> profileDTOsToProfiles(List<ProfileDTO> profileDTOs);
* generating the fromId for all mappers if the databaseType is sql, as the class has relationship to it might need it, instead of
* creating a new attribute to know if the entity has any relationship from some other entity
* @param id id of the entity
* @return the entity instance
default Profile profileFromId(Long id) {
if (id == null) {
return null;
Profile profile = new Profile();
return profile;
There is no UserMapper class in my project as non was generated for me.
If I create a Monolithic application then creating the entity relationship works fine, it's only a problem with a Microservice because of the missing User class and related classes.
在JHipster微服务体系结构中,用户实体位于网关或 UAA服务.
In a JHipster microservice architecture, the User entity is located on the gateway or UAA service.
在UAA中,您可以创建与用户有关系的实体.为此,向实体添加诸如配置文件之类的附加信息是一个很好的用例.在网关中做同样的事情也是可能的.可以看到 https:创建与用户有关系的实体的示例UAA. //github.com/xetys/microxchng-workshop/tree/master/uaa
In the UAA, you can create an entity with a relationship to the user. Adding additional information such as a profile to the entity is a good use case for this. Doing the same thing in a gateway is also possible. An example UAA that creates an entity with a relationship to the user can be seen https://github.com/xetys/microxchng-workshop/tree/master/uaa
For this type of entity, I recommend storing the user's ID along with the entity. You will need to pass the user ID from the client as the ID is not easily accessible from a microservice. The reason we use the user ID instead of login is that the login can be modified through the User Management pages, causing the relationships to be fail (from the old login value).
The other option is to use the userLogin, which is accessible in a microservice through SecurityUtils.java. As long as you handle that the login can change, this is another option.