大家好-使用SharePoint 2013处理Infopath Form(2013)时,其他人是否遇到过严重错误"?
确切的消息显示为加载表格时发生严重错误". ,此表单的安全性验证无效";和相关性ID:b61eec9d-f0f4-4000-0a01-e0d93101873a.
Hi folks - has anyone else experienced a 'critical error' when working on an Infopath Form (2013) with SharePoint 2013?
I have the form connected to a SharePoint list and the form is filled out online and the data is uploaded to the list upon saving.
Recently I have been receiving (albeit not every time) a critical error which means I have to rework the form again.
The exact message reads "Critical error while loading the form" , "security validation for this form is invalid" and Correlation ID:b61eec9d-f0f4-4000-0a01-e0d93101873a.
Any suggestions for getting around this would be very much appreciated.
您是否使用声明进行身份验证?如果是这样,则可能是由于维护用户SiteMinder身份的FedAuth cookie被丢弃.
Do you use claims for authentication? If so, it may be due to the FedAuth cookie that is maintaining the users SiteMinder identity is getting dropped.
I suggest you increasing the timeout for the SAML token to a longer value like 8 hours to match a standard business day and avoid the risk of hitting that timeout while a user is working.
Besides, if the issue exists, refer to the Correlation ID to check for the corresponding detailed error message in ULS logs. Log is at:
C:\ Program Files \ Common Files \ Microsoft共享\ Web服务器扩展\ 15 \ LOGS
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS
Grace Wang
Grace Wang
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