

本文介绍了Tensorflow 删除图并释放资源的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



temporary_graph = tf.Graph()使用 temp.as_default(), tf.Session() 作为 sess:foo = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (2,2))酒吧 = foo@foores = sess.run(bar, feed_dict={foo: np.ones((2,2))})打印(资源)delete_graph_and_free_up_resources(temporary_graph)


>>>临时图.get_operations()[<tf.Operation 'Placeholder' type=Placeholder>, <tf.Operation 'matmul' type=MatMul>]



这不是那么简单,为了释放一个图正在使用的资源,你需要丢失对该图的所有引用,因此 Python 可以请求将其从内存中删除.这意味着删除对图形的直接引用,但也删除引用图形的对象(和传递性).这包括操作、张量和会话等.在您的示例中,您需要执行以下操作:

del temporal_graph, sess, foo, bar, res

这应该可以释放内存(不确定您是否需要调用 垃圾收集器 在某些情况下).


I create a tensorflow graph and define some tensors and run some stuff. When I'm done, I'd like to delete the graph that I made, and free up all of the resources. How can I do that thing?

temporary_graph = tf.Graph()
with temporary_graph.as_default(), tf.Session() as sess:
    foo = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (2,2))
    bar = foo@foo
    res = sess.run(bar, feed_dict={foo: np.ones((2,2))})


This answer claims that the context manager cleans up the graph, but this isn't the case, and the docs don't claim such a thing:

>>> temporary_graph.get_operations()
[<tf.Operation 'Placeholder' type=Placeholder>, <tf.Operation 'matmul' type=MatMul>]

What is the best way to dispose of a graph?


It is not so simple, in order to free the resources that a graph is using you need to lose every reference to that graph, so Python can request to have it deleted from memory. That means deleting direct references to the graph, but also objects referencing the graph (and transitively). That includes operations, tensors and sessions, among other things. In your example, you would need to do:

del temporary_graph, sess, foo, bar, res

And that should make it possible to have the memory freed (not sure if you might need to call the garbage collector in some cases).

As you may not, you can not do this in a function, as it depends on the live references in your program. However, if you keep all references related to the graph within a function or object you should be able to do it fine.

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08-23 02:05