


I'm in the process of cleaning up all my config files in an attempt to make them as readable as possible. I've been looking for a style guide on the use of quotes while exporting paths in, for example, a ~/.bashrc file:

export PATH="/users/me/path:$PATH"


export PATH=/users/me/path:$PATH

Google 外壳样式指南建议避免使用路径名引号.相比之下,很多流行的点文件存储库(例如Zach Holman的在此)使用引号.在路径中使用引号是否有优势?

The Google shell style guide suggests avoiding quotes for path names. In contrast, a lot of the popular dotfiles repos (such as Zach Holman's here) use quotes. Are there any situations when it is an advantage to use quotes in the path?




如果要添加基于~的路径,请选择性地保留~/ 不带引号的,以确保扩展~;例如:export PATH=~/"bin:$PATH".
export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"

If you want to add a ~-based path, selectively leave the ~/ unquoted to ensure that ~ is expanded; e.g.: export PATH=~/"bin:$PATH".
Alternatively, simply use $HOME inside a single, double-quoted string:
export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"

注意:以下内容适用于 bashkshzsh ,但不适用于(大部分)严格符合POSIX的外壳,例如dash;因此,在定位/bin/sh时,必须将export 的RHS放在双引号中.

NOTE: The following applies to bash, ksh, and zsh, but NOT to (mostly) strictly POSIX compliant shells such as dash; thus, when you target /bin/sh, you MUST double-quote the RHS of export.

  • 双引号是 可选,仅当RHS的 literal 部分(要分配的值)不包含空格或其他外壳元字符时.
  • 所引用的变量的值是否包含空格/元字符无关无关紧要-参见下文.
    • 同样:使用export时,sh有关系,因此请始终在其中双引号.
    • Double-quotes are optional, ONLY IF the literal part of your RHS (the value to assign) contains neither whitespace nor other shell metacharacters.
    • Whether the values of the variables referenced contain whitespace/metacharacters or not does not matter - see below.
      • Again: It does matter with sh, when export is used, so always double-quote there.

      在这种情况下无需双引号就可以逃脱的原因是,像POSIX的shell中的 variable-assignment 语句与 arguments 传递给 commands ,如第2.9.1节:

      The reason you can get away without double-quoting in this case is that variable-assignment statements in POSIX-like shells interpret their RHS differently than arguments passed to commands, as described in section 2.9.1 of the POSIX spec:

      • 具体地说,即使执行了初始分词 ,它也仅适用于未扩展(原始)RHS(这就是为什么您要做需要用 literals 中的空格/元字符引用),而不是引用其结果.

      • Specifically, even though initial word-splitting is performed, it is only applied to the unexpanded (raw) RHS (that's why you do need quoting with whitespace/metacharacters in literals), and not to its results.

      ,即,如果变量名称前没有命令名称;请注意,其中包括对命令的前缀赋值,以为其定义临时环境变量,例如foo=$bar cmd ....

      This only applies to genuine assignment statements of the form
      <name>=<value> in all POSIX-like shells
      , i.e., if there is no command name before the variable name; note that that includes assignments prepended to a command to define ad-hoc environment variables for it, e.g., foo=$bar cmd ....

      在其他命令上下文中的赋值 应该始终加双引号.

      Assignments in the context of other commands should always be double-quoted, to be safe:

      • 使用sh(在(大多数情况下)严格符合POSIX的外壳程序中,例如dash)中,将export的赋值视为常规命令,而foo=$bar部分被视为内置export第一个参数,因此也照常进行处理(也受制于结果的分词).
        (POSIX没有指定任何其他涉及(显式)变量分配的命令; declaretypesetlocal是非标准的扩展名).

      • With sh (in a (mostly) strictly POSIX-compliant shell such as dash) an assignment with export is treated as a regular command, and the foo=$bar part is treated as the 1st argument to the export builtin and therefore treated as usual (subject to word-splitting of the result, too).
        (POSIX doesn't specify any other commands involving (explicit) variable-assignment; declare, typeset, and local are nonstandard extensions).

      bashkshzsh与POSIX可以理解的偏差是,也将分配逻辑扩展到export foo=$bartypeset/declare/local foo=$bar.换句话说:bashkshzshexport/typeset/declare/local命令中的就像 assignments 一样对待,因此不必严格引用..

      bash, ksh, zsh, in an understandable deviation from POSIX, extend the assignment logic to export foo=$bar and typeset/declare/local foo=$bar as well. In other words: in bash, ksh, zsh, export/typeset/declare/local commands are treated like assignments, so that quoting isn't strictly necessary.

      • 令人惊讶的是,dash,它也选择实现了 non -POSIX local内置,不向其扩展分配逻辑;但是,它与其export行为一致.
      • Perhaps surprisingly, dash, which also chose to implement the non-POSIX local builtin, does NOT extend assignment logic to it; it is consistent with its export behavior, however.

      传递给env的赋值(例如env foo=$bar cmd ...)也可以作为命令参数进行扩展,因此需要双引号-除zsh以外.

      Assignments passed to env (e.g., env foo=$bar cmd ...) are also subject to expansion as a command argument and therefore need double-quoting - except in zsh.

      • 在这方面,envkshbash中的export行为不同是由于以下事实:env外部实用程序,而export是内置的 shell .
      • That env acts differently from export in ksh and bash in that regard is due to the fact that env is an external utility, whereas export is a shell builtin.
        (zsh's behavior fundamentally differs from that of the other shells when it comes to unquoted variable references).


      Tilde (~) expansion happens as follows in genuine assignment statements:

      • 除了~不需要被引用以外,它通常也仅适用于:
        • 如果整个 RHS为~;例如.:
          • foo=~ # same as: foo="$HOME"
          • In addition to the ~ needing to be unquoted, as usual, it is also only applied:
            • If the entire RHS is ~; e.g.:
              • foo=~ # same as: foo="$HOME"
              • 如果~以字符串开头或以不带引号的 :
              • 如果~后跟不带引号的 /.
              • 例如,
                foo=~/bin # same as foo="$HOME/bin"
                foo=$foo:~/bin # same as foo="$foo:$HOME/bin"
              • if ~ starts the string or is preceded by an unquoted :
              • if ~ is followed by an unquoted /.
              • e.g.,
                foo=~/bin # same as foo="$HOME/bin"
                foo=$foo:~/bin # same as foo="$foo:$HOME/bin"



              This example demonstrates that in bash, ksh, and zsh you can get away without double-quoting, even when using export, but I do not recommend it.

              #!/usr/bin/env bash
              # or ksh or zsh - but NOT /bin/sh!
              # Create env. variable with whitespace and other shell metacharacters
              export FOO="b:c &|<> d"
              # Extend the value - the double quotes here are optional, but ONLY
              # because the literal part, 'a:`, contains no whitespace or other shell metacharacters.
              # To be safe, DO double-quote the RHS.
              export FOO=a:$foo # OK - $FOO now contains 'a:b:c &|<> d'


08-23 01:56