




I need to set up a program that compares the date of creation of a date object(say date object 1), with another a future date or date object(say date object 2) that represents the deadline. For example, if i create an initial datetime object, I want to be able to compare the current date of creation with lets say, a date 18 days after said date(deadline).I don't want to hardcode the actual dates and deadlines. It should return a bool( true when current date is equal or later than the deadline date, false otherwise). Eventually, I'll want to store the date of the deadline in an external database, then when appropriate compare said deadline date with the current date.

我可以获取当前日期日期与下面的代码一起使用,但是不确定如何通过指定当前日期的 x天而不是对日期值进行硬编码来获取截止日期。

I can get the current date with the code below but unsure how to obtain a deadline day by specifyinging "x" days from the current date instead of hardcoding the date values.


I know how to create a date object(as show below) but i want to be able to create a deadline date object in correspondence to the current date of creation, store the deadline date in a database, while continually comparing the current date with the deadline date.

DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy/MM/dd");
LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.now();
System.out.println(dtf.format(localDate)); //2016/11/16


要创建 非硬编码的截止日期

LocalDate currentDate = LocalDate.now();
LocalDate deadline = LocalDate.now().plusDays(10); // x = 10


Then later for deadline check;

LocalDate deadline = getDeadlineFromDb();
LocalDate currentDate = LocalDate.now();
if (currentDate.isAfter(deadline)) {
    // deadline has passed


For more details check; Introduction to the Java 8 Date/Time API


08-23 01:45