





Is there a way to find all the hard coded values i.e. string , magic numbers and what not in C# project/solution in VS?


What prompted this question is a project that I am looking at, I just found 174 times a string value was hardcodely repeated!



What you could do is program Roslyn, the (not so) new cool kid in town. It allows you to parse C# (or VB.NET) projects quite easily. Then you can visit the detected nodes and check what you really want to check. Detecting magic literals for a machine is not always as easy as it seems for a human. For example, is 1 really a magic number? I personally consider it's not, but 2 is more suspect...


Anyway, here is a small sample that does a good part of the job I believe, but it could/should be improved, maybe to tailor your exact business needs or rules (which is very interesting).

请注意罗斯林也可以直接在Visual Studio中的上下文中使用,所以你可以把这个样品到什么叫做诊断(扩展到Visual Studio),可以帮助你在IDE中直接住。这有样本:

Note Roslyn can also be used directly in the context of Visual Studio, so you could turn this sample into what's called a diagnostic (an extension to Visual Studio) that can help you directly live from within the IDE. There are samples for this: Samples and Walkthroughs

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var text = @"
public class MyClass
public void MyMethod()
    const int i = 0; // this is ok
    decimal d = 11; // this is not ok
    string s = ""magic"";
    if (i == 29) // another magic
    else if (s != ""again another magic"")
        ScanHardcodedFromText("test.cs", text, (n, s) =>
            Console.WriteLine(" " + n.SyntaxTree.GetLineSpan(n.FullSpan) + ": " + s);

    public static async Task ScanHardcodedFromText(string documentName, string text, Action<SyntaxNodeOrToken, string> scannedFunction)
        if (text == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("text");

        AdhocWorkspace ws = new AdhocWorkspace();
        var project = ws.AddProject(documentName + "Project", LanguageNames.CSharp);
        ws.AddDocument(project.Id, documentName, SourceText.From(text));
        await ScanHardcoded(ws, scannedFunction);

    public static async Task ScanHardcodedFromSolution(string solutionFilePath, Action<SyntaxNodeOrToken, string> scannedFunction)
        if (solutionFilePath == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("solutionFilePath");

        var ws = MSBuildWorkspace.Create();
        await ws.OpenSolutionAsync(solutionFilePath);
        await ScanHardcoded(ws, scannedFunction);

    public static async Task ScanHardcodedFromProject(string solutionFilePath, Action<SyntaxNodeOrToken, string> scannedFunction)
        if (solutionFilePath == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("solutionFilePath");

        var ws = MSBuildWorkspace.Create();
        await ws.OpenProjectAsync(solutionFilePath);
        await ScanHardcoded(ws, scannedFunction);

    public static async Task ScanHardcoded(Workspace workspace, Action<SyntaxNodeOrToken, string> scannedFunction)
        if (workspace == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("workspace");

        if (scannedFunction == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("scannedFunction");

        foreach (var project in workspace.CurrentSolution.Projects)
            foreach (var document in project.Documents)
                var tree = await document.GetSyntaxTreeAsync();
                var root = await tree.GetRootAsync();
                foreach (var n in root.DescendantNodesAndTokens())
                    if (!CanBeMagic(n.Kind()))

                    if (IsWellKnownConstant(n))

                    string suggestion;
                    if (IsMagic(n, out suggestion))
                        scannedFunction(n, suggestion);

    public static bool IsMagic(SyntaxNodeOrToken kind, out string suggestion)
        var vdec = kind.Parent.Ancestors().OfType<VariableDeclarationSyntax>().FirstOrDefault();
        if (vdec != null)
            var dec = vdec.Parent as MemberDeclarationSyntax;
            if (dec != null)
                if (!HasConstOrEquivalent(dec))
                    suggestion = "member declaration could be const: " + dec.ToFullString();
                    return true;
                var ldec = vdec.Parent as LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax;
                if (ldec != null)
                    if (!HasConstOrEquivalent(ldec))
                        suggestion = "local declaration contains at least one non const value: " + ldec.ToFullString();
                        return true;
            var expr = kind.Parent.Ancestors().OfType<ExpressionSyntax>().FirstOrDefault();
            if (expr != null)
                suggestion = "expression uses a non const value: " + expr.ToFullString();
                return true;

        // TODO: add other cases?

        suggestion = null;
        return false;

    private static bool IsWellKnownConstant(SyntaxNodeOrToken node)
        if (!node.IsToken)
            return false;

        string text = node.AsToken().Text;
        if (text == null)
            return false;

        // note: this is naïve. we also should add 0d, 0f, 0m, etc.
        if (text == "1" || text == "-1" || text == "0")
            return true;

        // ok for '\0' or '\r', etc.
        if (text.Length == 4 && text.StartsWith("'\\") && text.EndsWith("'"))
            return true;

        if (text == "' '")
            return true;

        // TODO add more of these? or make it configurable...

        return false;

    private static bool HasConstOrEquivalent(SyntaxNode node)
        bool hasStatic = false;
        bool hasReadOnly = false;
        foreach (var tok in node.ChildTokens())
            switch (tok.Kind())
                case SyntaxKind.ReadOnlyKeyword:
                    hasReadOnly = true;
                    if (hasStatic)
                        return true;

                case SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword:
                    hasStatic = true;
                    if (hasReadOnly)
                        return true;

                case SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword:
                    return true;
        return false;

    private static bool CanBeMagic(SyntaxKind kind)
        return kind == SyntaxKind.CharacterLiteralToken ||
            kind == SyntaxKind.NumericLiteralToken ||
            kind == SyntaxKind.StringLiteralToken;


If you run this little program (I've also provided helper methods to use it on solution or projects), it will output this:

 test.cs: (6,20)-(6,22): local declaration contains at least one non const value:         decimal d = 11; // this is not ok

 test.cs: (7,19)-(7,26): local declaration contains at least one non const value:         string s = "magic";

 test.cs: (8,17)-(8,19): expression uses a non const value: i == 29
 test.cs: (11,22)-(11,43): expression uses a non const value: s != "again another magic"


08-23 01:39