



让我们把这个问题斯林格鸟的问题(实际上斯林格是类似于一个服务器和鸟的请求,但我有一个精神崩溃思考,所以我改变了他们希望得到一个不同的角度!) 。

Let us call this problem the Slinger-Bird problem (actually the Slinger is analogous to a server and the bird to a request but I was having a nervous breakdown thinking about it so I changed them hoping to get a different perspective!).

  • 有石投掷(索具)和B鸟类。
  • 的索具不是彼此的范围内。
  • 在吊索一次可以杀死一个抛油环的视线之内所有的鸟,会消耗一杆和一个时间单元


I am trying to figure out the optimal solution that minimizes the time and the number of shots it takes to kill the birds given a particular arrival pattern of birds. Let me give an example with absolute numbers: 3 Slingers and 4 birds.

        Time        1            2            3           4             5
S1                B1, B2     B1, B2, B3       B4
S2                               B1         B1, B2      B3,B4
S3                  B1         B3, B4                 B1,B2,B3,B4


>> print t
    1: {S1: [B1, B2], S2: [], S3: [B1]},
    2: {S1: [B1, B2, B3], S2: [B1], S3: [B3, B4]},
    3: {S1: [B4], S2: [B1,B2], S3: []},
    4: {S1: [], S2: [B3, B4], S3: [B1, B2, B3, B4]}

有一些解决方案,我能想到的(SX在t = K意味着斯林格Sx的需要一个镜头在时间k):

There are a number of solutions I could think of (Sx at t=k implies that slinger Sx takes a shot at time k):

  1. 在S1在t = 1,S1在t = 2,S1在t = 3'; - 成本:3张+ 3个时间单位= 6
  2. 在S1在t = 2,S1在t = 3'; - 成本:2张+ 3个时间单位= 5
  3. 在S1在t = 1,S3在t = 2; - 成本:2张+ 2个时间单元= 4
  4. S3在t = 4℃ - 成本:1镜头+ 4个时间单位= 5
  1. S1 at t=1, S1 at t=2, S1 at t=3 <- Cost: 3 shots + 3 time units = 6
  2. S1 at t=2, S1 at t=3 <- Cost: 2 shots + 3 time units = 5
  3. S1 at t=1, S3 at t=2 <- Cost: 2 shots + 2 time units = 4
  4. S3 at t=4 <- Cost: 1 shot + 4 time units = 5

要我看来,解决办法 3 是最优的在此。当然,我的手这样做(这样有可能我可能错过了一些东西),但我想不出这样做的一个可伸缩的方式。另外,我很担心还有其他的情况,因为一个射手的决定可能改变其他人的决定,但因为我有全局观,可能也没关系。

To me it appears that solution 3 is the optimal one in this. Of course, I did this by hand (so there is a possibility I may have missed something) but I cannot think of a scalable way of doing this. Also, I am worried there are corner cases because the decision of one shooter might alter the decision of others but because I have the global view, may be it does not matter.


What is a fast and good way to solving this problem in python? I am having a hard time coming up with a good data structure to do this leave alone the algorithm to do it. I am thinking of using dynamic programming because this seems to involve state space exploration but am a bit confused on how to proceed. Any suggestions?



This is not an optimal assignment problem, because slingers kill all birds in view.


You have a two-dimensional objective function, so there can be a number of tradeoffs between shots and time. Determining the minimum number of shots for a particular time limit is exactly the set cover problem (as mhum suggests). The set cover problem is NP-hard and hard to approximate, but in practice, branch and bound using the dual of the linear programming formulation is quite effective in finding the optimum.


08-23 01:33