



我是新学习C#而且我正在重新创建我很久以前制作的电子表格程序,它模拟了我曾经玩过的游戏中技能系统的运作方式(Anarchy Online)。

Hi, I am new learning C# and i am recreating my spreadsheet program i made a long time ago which emulates how the skills system works in a game i used to play (Anarchy Online).


A button is used to perform the calculations and send the values to the text boxs


Four text boxs are user input and seven other text boxs are used to display a number that are being calculated among eachother.


I just want to perform the calculations and send to the text boxs when the user types in ANY of the user input text boxs so i can get rid the the calculate button


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace AOSE_Csharp
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        // %-Key used to determin how much points trickledown to the skill that is based on points
        // spent on one or more ability that it is dependant on - in this case i use one skill
        // that is dependant on one ability therefore i only need one percentKey for now
        private double percentKey100 = 0.25;
        // these two are user input
        public double nakStm; // B-ability
        public double addedStm; // O-ability

        private double startingPointsAbilities = 6; // point character starts with
        private double startingPointsSkills = 4; // points character starts with

        private double spentIPStm; // F-ability = nakAbillity - startingAbilityPoints
        // these two are user input also
        public double nakBdyDev; // B-skills
        public double addedBdyDev; // O-skills

        private double totalStm; // G-ability = IP Spent + startingAbilityPoints + addedAbility
        // C-nakTrickledown and Collumn D-totalTrickledown
        private double nakTrickleBdyDev; // C-nakTrickle = percentKey100 * nakAbility

        private double totalTrickleBdyDev; // D-totalTrickle = percentKey100 * totalAbility
        private double trickleAddedAbiOnlyBdyDev; // E-addedTrickle = D-totalTrickle - C-nakTrickle
        private double totalSpentIPBdyDev; // F-skill = B-skill - C-nakTrickle - startingSkill

        private double totalBdyDev; // G-Skill = B-skill + E-addedTrickle + O-skill

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // These textbox's have to be set to txtbox's and converted to double first so that
            // the following formulas can use them and not get a conversion error.
            nakStm = Convert.ToDouble(nakStmTxtBox.Text); // B-ability
            addedStm = Convert.ToDouble(addedStmTxtBox.Text); // O-ability
            nakBdyDev = Convert.ToDouble(nakBdyDevTxtBox.Text); // B-skills
            addedBdyDev = Convert.ToDouble(addedBdyDevTxtBox.Text); // O-skills
            // perform nessary calculation...
            spentIPStm = nakStm - startingPointsAbilities; // F-ability
            totalStm = spentIPStm + startingPointsAbilities + addedStm; // G-ability
            // trickledown calculation
            nakTrickleBdyDev = Math.Ceiling(percentKey100 * nakStm); // C-nakTrickle
            totalTrickleBdyDev = Math.Ceiling(percentKey100 * totalStm); // D-addedTrickle
            trickleAddedAbiOnlyBdyDev = totalTrickleBdyDev - nakTrickleBdyDev; // E-Skill
            // Spent IP Points - for viewing only not used for other calculations
            totalSpentIPBdyDev = nakBdyDev - nakTrickleBdyDev - startingPointsSkills; // F-Skill
            // total skill after trickledown added in
            totalBdyDev = nakBdyDev + trickleAddedAbiOnlyBdyDev + addedBdyDev; // G-Skill

            // show values in text box's
            spentIPStmTxtBox.Text = spentIPStm.ToString(); // F-ability
            totalStmTxtBox.Text = totalStm.ToString(); // G-ability

            nakTrickleBdyDevTxtBox.Text = nakTrickleBdyDev.ToString(); // C-nakTrickle
            totalTrickleBdyDevTxtBox.Text = totalTrickleBdyDev.ToString(); // D-totalTrickle
            trickleAddedAbiOnlyBdyDevTxtBox.Text = trickleAddedAbiOnlyBdyDev.ToString(); // E-addedTrickle

            totalSpentIPBdyDevTxtBox.Text = totalSpentIPBdyDev.ToString(); // F-skill

            totalBdyDevTxtBox.Text = totalBdyDev.ToString(); // G-skill

            // Properties.Settings.Default.Save();


您可以双击表单设计器上的文本框控件,然后VS将放置 代码中的Changed事件的占位符代码,您可以在其中开始编码事件。

You can double-click the textbox control on the form designer,  and VS will put the  place holder code for the Changed event in the code for you where you can start coding the event.


08-23 01:14