


  1. 什么是由Android外部存储器使用的文件系统?

  2. 是否有可能对我来说,无论是在内部或外部存储器恢复被删除的文件(S)?

  3. 是否有可能对我来说,恢复已删除的邮件?

  4. 对于q#2和Q#3
  5. 后续问题,可以这样不生根做/越狱手机?

  6. 我应考虑什么方法,如果我在开发继续吗?




On Android 1.x/2.x, FAT32 (a.k.a., vfat). On Android 3.0+, I think that it varies, though it probably is ext4 on most devices.

Possibly. It would be not significantly different than recovering deleted files from vfat or ext4 partitions on a Linux machine. Note that Android 1.x/2.x internal storage is YAFFS2, not vfat or ext4.

There are many possible definitions of the English word "message". Most of relevance (SMS messages, email messages, instant messages) are managed by apps. There are probably tens of thousands of apps that handle "messages", and they will do so in thousands of different ways. Almost none of them are accessible to you, since very few will be open source.

No, with the exception of removable media (e.g., external storage implemented on Android 1.x/2.x as a micro SD card). You have no access to internal storage without rooting, and you do not have low-level access to external storage without rooting. "Jailbreaking" is not a term generally used with respect to Android devices.


08-23 00:52