

我需要在组件和助手之间共享数据。我将我自己制作的支付服务formdata生成器转换为CakePHP插件,我想能够从控制器(使用组件)填写付款数据,并使用助手打印出数据。 p>





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在你的组件中,我会做类似下面的事情。 beforeRender()操作是一个。

  public function beforeRender(Controller $ controller){
$ yourVars ='some data'
$ goHere ='other stuff';

$ controller-> set(compact('yourVars','goHere'));

然后在您的视图中,您可以将数据传递给您的助手, 。

  //视图或布局* .ctp文件
$ this-> YourHelper-> yourMethod yourVars);
$ this-> YourHelper-> otherMethod($ goHere);

I need to share data between a component and helper. I'm converting my self-made payment service formdata generator to a CakePHP plugin and I'd like to be able to fill in the payment data from the controller(using a component) and use a helper to print out the data.

Everything I've tried so far have felt a little too hacky, so let me ask you: Is there any elegant way to pass data from a component to a helper?


I solved this particular situation by adding the original formadata class instance to ClassRegistry during the component initialization. This way the helper too can access the instance using ClassRegistry.

However, this only works for objects, so the question remains open.


Yes, the same way you pass any data to the helper. In your view.

Inside your component I would do something like the following. The beforeRender() action is a CakePHP component callback.

public function beforeRender(Controller $controller) {
    $yourVars = 'some data';
    $goHere = 'other stuff';

    $controller->set(compact('yourVars', 'goHere'));

Then in your view you can pass the data off to your helpers just like normal.

// view or layout *.ctp file


08-23 00:23