


I am trying to scrape specific text from specific table elements on an Amazon product page.

URL_1具有所有元素- https://www. amazon.com/dp/B008Q5LXIE/URL_2仅具有销售排名"- https://www. amazon.com/dp/B001V9X26S

URL_1 has all elements - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008Q5LXIE/URL_2 has only 'Sales Rank' - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001V9X26S


URL_1:The "Product Details" table has 9 items and I am only interested in 'Product Dimensions', 'Shipping Weight', Item Model Number, and all 'Seller's Rank'


I am not able to parse out the text on these items as some are in one block of code, where others are not.


I am using beautifulsoup and I have run a text.strip() on the table and got everything but very messy. I have tried soup.find('li') and text.strip() to find individual elements but with seller rank, it returns all 3 ranks jumbled in one return. I have also tried regex to clean text but it won't work for the 4 different seller ranks. I have had success using the Try, Except, Pass method for scraping and would have each of these in that format

A bad example of the code used, I was trying to get sales rank past the </b>
element in the HTML
#Sales Rank
        sales_rank ='NOT'
            sr = soup.find('li', attrs={'id':'SalesRank'})
            sales_rank = sr.find('/b').text.strip()


I expect to be able to scrape the listed elements into a dictionary. I would like to see the results as

dimensions = 6x4x4
weight = 4.8 ounces
Item_No = IT-DER0-IQDU
R1_NO = 2,036
R1_CAT = Health & Household
R2_NO = 5
R2_CAT = Joint & Muscle Pain Relief Medications
R3_NO = 3
R3_CAT = Naproxen Sodium
R4_NO = 6
R4_CAT = Migraine Relief

my_dict =   {'dimensions':'dimensions','weight':'weight','Item_No':'Item_No', 'R1_NO':R1_NO,'R1_CAT':'R1_CAT','R2_NO':R2_NO,'R2_CAT':'R2_CAT','R3_NO':R3_NO,'R3_CAT':'R3_CAT','R4_CAT':'R4_CAT'}


URL_2:The only element of interest on page is 'Sales Rank'. 'Product Dimensions', 'Shipping Weight', Item Model Number are not present. However, I would like a return similar to that of URL_1 but the missing elements would have a value of 'NA'. Same results as URL_1, only 'NA' is given when an element is not present. I have had success accomplishing this by setting a value prior to the Try/Except statement. Ex: Shipping Weight = 'NA' ... then run try/except: pass , so I get 'NA' and my dictionary is not empty.


可以在bs4 4.7.1中使用stripped_strings和:contains.要获得所需的输出格式,这感觉就像是一堆曲折的扑克.确保拥有更多python经验的人可以减少这种情况并提高其效率.合并来自 @aaronhall 的dicts语法.

You could use stripped_strings and :contains with bs4 4.7.1. This feels like a lot of jiggery pokery to get the desired output format. Sure someone with more python experience could reduce this and improve its efficiency. Merging dicts syntax taken from @aaronhall.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import re

links = ['https://www.amazon.com/Professional-Dental-Guard-Remoldable-Customizable/dp/B07L4YHBQ4', 'https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0040ODFK4/?tag=stackoverfl08-20']

for link in links:

    r = requests.get(link, headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla\5.0'})
    soup = bs(r.content, 'lxml')
    fields = ['Product Dimensions', 'Shipping Weight', 'Item model number', 'Amazon Best Sellers Rank']

    temp_dict = {}

    for field in fields:
        element = soup.select_one('li:contains("' + field + '")')
        if element is None:
            temp_dict[field] = 'N/A'
            if field == 'Amazon Best Sellers Rank':
                item = [re.sub('#|\(','', string).strip() for string in soup.select_one('li:contains("' + field + '")').stripped_strings][1].split(' in ')
                temp_dict[field] = item
                item = [string for string in element.stripped_strings][1]
                temp_dict[field] = item.replace('(', '').strip()

    ranks = soup.select('.zg_hrsr_rank')
    ladders = soup.select('.zg_hrsr_ladder')

    if ranks:
        cat_nos = [item.text.split('#')[1] for item in ranks]
         cat_nos = ['N/A']

    if ladders:
        cats = [item.text.split('\xa0')[1] for item in soup.select('.zg_hrsr_ladder')]
        cats = ['N/A']

    rankings = dict(zip(cat_nos, cats))

    map_dict = {
        'Product Dimensions': 'dimensions',
        'Shipping Weight': 'weight',
        'Item model number': 'Item_No',
        'Amazon Best Sellers Rank': ['R1_NO','R1_CAT']

    final_dict = {}

    for k,v in temp_dict.items():
        if k == 'Amazon Best Sellers Rank' and v!= 'N/A':
            item = dict(zip(map_dict[k],v))
            final_dict = {**final_dict, **item}
        elif k == 'Amazon Best Sellers Rank' and v == 'N/A':
            item = dict(zip(map_dict[k], [v, v]))
            final_dict = {**final_dict, **item}
            final_dict[map_dict[k]] = v

    for k,v in enumerate(rankings):
        #print(k + 1, v, rankings[v])
        prefix = 'R' + str(k + 2) + '_'
        final_dict[prefix + 'NO'] = v
        final_dict[prefix + 'CAT'] = rankings[v]



08-22 23:58