



这是推动我拐弯。我是一个很长一段时间VB.NET开发的形式,相当新的ASP.NET和完全新的MVC。我创建使用VB.NET剃刀语法vbhtml页,我似乎反对正试图缩进不正确我的code UI中不断拼搏。看看下面的例子,基于模板的页面上一个新的Razor视图:

This is driving me round the bend. I'm a long time VB.NET forms developer, quite new to ASP.NET and completely new to MVC. I'm creating vbhtml pages that use the VB.NET razor syntax, and I seem to be constantly fighting against the UI which is trying to indent my code incorrectly. Take the following example, based on the template page for a new Razor view:

    Layout = Nothing
End Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
        @If True Then
                @For x = 1 To 2

                End If '<-- Randomly indented too far


In the above example, as soon as I hit return after "Next", "End If" two lines below randomly jumps two tabs forward from where it should be. In other examples I've hit a circle where pushing one line to the correct place throws another line out of position and vice versa.

我很生气,在这一点上我很乐意完全禁用自动缩进,只是管理它自己,但我甚至不能找出如何做到这一点!在另一个线程以下建议,停止我禁用缩进HTML页面,但所有的HTML标签的压痕 - 在code块仍然四处滑动所有的地方

I'm so annoyed at this point I'd be happy to disable auto-indentation completely and just manage it myself, but I can't even find out how to do that! Following advice on another thread I disabled indentation for HTML pages but all that stops is indentation of HTML tags - the code blocks still slide around all over the place.


I thought an extension might be causing the problem but I disabled them all and restarted and the problem remains. Am I doing something fundamentally wrong? I find it hard to believe Microsoft would release something so poor so it seems more likely I'm just not using it right.


我发现(一种时尚)溶液的另一个问题(我确实张贴了这个问题之前,搜索硬找不到任何东西):<一href=\"http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6902204/why-doesnt-visual-studio-$c$c-formatting-work-properly-for-razor-markup\">Why不Visual Studio的code格式正常工作的剃刀标记?

I found a solution (of a fashion) on another question (I really did search hard before posting this question and couldn't find anything): Why doesn't Visual Studio code formatting work properly for Razor markup?


Essentially the solution seems to be to ensure that your code uses spaces instead of tabs for the whitespace. Whilst increasing the overall size of the page because of increased whitespace, it does lessen the problem (whilst not eliminating it completely). On the linked thread, someone who appears to be connected with Microsoft has acknowledged it is indeed a bug related to the overlapping formatters for HTML and VB.NET which they hope to improve in a new release. I've dropped to 2 spaces per indent to lessen the bandwidth impact.



08-22 23:42