Does anyone know of a way to get the Parallel.Foreach loop to use chunk partitioning versus, what i believe is range partitioning by default. It seems simple when working with arrays because you can just create a custom partitioner and set load-balancing to true.
Since the number of elements in an IEnumerable isn't known until runtime I can't seem to figure out a good way to get chunk partitioning to work.
The tasks i'm trying to perform on each object take significantly different times to perform. At the end i'm usually waiting hours for the last thread to finish its work. What I'm trying to achieve is to have the parallel loop request chunks along the way instead of pre-allocating items to each thread.
If your IEnumerable was really something that had a an indexer (i.e you could do obj[1]
to get a item out) you could do the following
var rangePartitioner = Partitioner.Create(0, source.Length);
Parallel.ForEach(rangePartitioner, (range, loopState) =>
// Loop over each range element without a delegate invocation.
for (int i = range.Item1; i < range.Item2; i++)
var item = source[i]
//Do work on item
派生的新类来编写自定义分区程序.该主题范围太广,无法涵盖在SO答案中,但是您可以在 MSDN 让您入门.
However if it can't do that you must write a custom partitioner by creating a new class derived from System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner<TSource>
. That subject is too broad to cover in a SO answer but you can take a look at this guide on the MSDN to get you started.
更新:从.NET 4.5开始,他们添加了重载不会缓冲数据,它的效果与制作自定义分区程序的范围最大大小为1相同.使用此方法,您将不会获得包含一堆线程的单个线程.如果不幸因为连续遇到一堆缓慢的物品而排队等待工作.
UPDATE: As of .NET 4.5 they added a Partitioner.Create
overload that does not buffer data, it has the same effect of making a custom partitioner with a range max size of 1. With this you won't get a single thread that has a bunch of queued up work if it got unlucky with a bunch of slow items in a row.
var partitoner = Partitioner.Create(source, EnumerablePartitionerOptions.NoBuffering);
Parallel.ForEach(partitoner, item =>
//Do work
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