




The table below is used to display a map and some relevant data( I cleaned everything for better readability). The left part is a "vertically scrollable table". The right part is a div that shows the google map.


It is set to 500px now and I am wondering how can I make it "fill" the available screen real-estate.

<div id="maparea">
    <table style="width:100%; position:relative;border-bottom: 1px solid #888888;margin: 0 auto;" >
            <td width="120px">
                <div style="padding : 4px; width : 196px; height:500px; overflow : auto;">
                        <table width="100%" style="border:1px solid #888888;padding : 0px;">
                                <td style="font-size:xx-small;">
                                    <b>Name: </b> name<br>
                                    <b>Unit ID:</b> this is id<br>
                                    <b>State:</b> IL     <br>
            <td width="100%" height="100%">
                <div id="googlemaps1" style="width:100%; height:500px;position:relative;margin: 0 auto;"> </div>



Please check out this article i have below. You should not be using tables to layout or grid up your pages as you have done.

同样只是一个提示,你不应该使用内联CSS样式,这是非常糟糕的做法,使修改模板和页面在将来非常困难,所以使用类和样式表来定义任何样式和/或布局for yout pages。

Also just a hint as well, you shouldn't be using inline CSS styles it is very bad practice and makes modifying templates and pages very difficult in the future so use classes and a stylesheet to define any styles and/or layouts for yout pages. They are more dynamic and much easier to fix later on.


Demo of clean coding for you here: http://jsfiddle.net/nshJH/

使用< div> 你可以使用

float: xxxx;
clear: xxxx;

这是一个简单的例子,清楚的流体页面是动态的,它包含的内容。还请注意,我可以改变任何宽度或文本属性在飞行中的一个地方在我的CSS ...

This is a simple example of a clean fluid page for you that is dynamic to the content it contains. Also please note that i can change any of the width or text properties on the fly through one place in my CSS...


08-22 23:36