Is there a way / tool to simulate Amazon's SimpleDB for the purpose of development?
在上述工作中,我找到了此工具,但这是针对Mac OS的.可以在Win XP上安装任何软件吗?不用说,所有SimpleDB API都需要得到支持.
In my quest for above, I found this tool but this is for the Mac OS. Anything that can be installed on Win XP? Needless to say, all SimpleDB APIs need to be supported.
Just in case it matters, mine is a .Net based web application.
SimpleDB/dev可在Windows,Linux和Mac上运行.您找到的Wareseeker.com页面错误地复制了信息.该工具的Google Code项目页面位于此处
SimpleDB/dev runs on Windows, Linux and Mac. The Wareseeker.com page that you found has copied the information across incorrectly. The Google Code project page for the tool is here
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