




我deleteNode()方法是通过列表中正常移动与正确的温度,保持头部不动。我要去哪里错了是什么,我回国的方法的结果。因为它通过列表,直到找到确定的位置,我回来不是临时或newNode这是不正确。一旦检测到规定的位置,那将重新分配 - >下一个指针指向下一步 - >下一步>指针是正确的,但我再次被返回错误的事情。因为我们已经在列表中使用温度/ NewNode感动我们失去了头,我们正在返回我们找到了位置,一切仍然在列表中的下一个位置。

My deleteNode() method was moving through the list properly with the correct temp and keeping the head untouched. Where I was going wrong was in what I was returning as the result of the method. I was returning either temp or newNode which is incorrect because it goes through the list until it finds defined position. Once it finds that defined position it it would reassign the ->next pointer to point to the next->next> pointer which is correct but again I was returning the wrong thing. Because we had moved through the list using temp/NewNode we lost the header and we were returning the position we found and whatever was still in the next positions of the list.

我们如何解决这个问题将返回头(这是被传递到方法)。为什么这个工作的原因是因为我们要了解LinkedLists是如何工作的。每个节点指向下一个节点的指针。防爆。我们有一个链表| A | | - | B | 的| - | C | | - | D | 的| - | E | | - | F | |

How we fix this is returning the head (which is what is passed into the method). The reason why this works is because we have to understand how LinkedLists work. The pointers of each node point to the next node. Ex. we have a linked list |A|| - |B|| - |C|| - |D|| - |E|| - |F||

如果我们想删除节点C,我们使用移动临时指针到节点B,然后分配B->旁边TEMP->下一步 - >下一因此对C节点跳跃和分配Ð节点。

If we want to delete Node C we move to node B using the temp pointer and then assign the B->next to temp->next->next Thus skipping over C node and assigning D node.


NOTE: (From what I know this does not actually free the memory of C node so it isn't best practice because you can cause memory leaks this way) You should use the free() method on the C node.


Here is the code I ended up using

struct node* DeleteNode(struct node* head, int pos) {

     struct node* temp = head;
     int length = LinkedListLength(temp);
     int i;

    if(pos <= 0 || pos > length){
        printf("ERROR: Node does not exist!\n");
        if(pos == 1){
            head = head->next; //move from head (1st node) to second node
            for(i = 1; i < pos-1; ++i){ //move through list
                    temp = temp->next;
            temp->next = temp->next->next;
    return head;


Hopefully that helps understand how I went out fixing it.




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I've been able to insert and delete from begining/end however I can't seem to get my delete node at position N in linkedlist to work.


My psuedocode looks like this:

  1. 的LinkedList:1,3,5,7,9,23

  2. 抓斗的LinkedList

  3. 创建新的结构节点A =头

  4. 通过LinkedList的移动,直到

  5. 分配节点节点 - >下一步

  6. 返回LinkedList的


Node structure
int data;
struct node* next;

int values[] = {1,3,5,7,9,23};
struct node* llist = CreateList(values,6);

llist = DeleteNode(llist, 1);
llist = DeleteNode(llist, 5);
llist = DeleteNode(llist, 3);


Which should leave the llist with the values 3, 5, 9 once the code has been run However, It is replacing the first node with a 0


struct node* DeleteNode(struct node* head, int pos) {

struct node* temp = head;
struct node* newNode = head;
int length;
int i;

printf("DeleteNode: position = %d \nBefore: ", pos);

if(pos <= 0){ //node does NOT exist
    printf("ERROR: Node does not exist!\n");
}else{ //node DOES exist
    length = LinkedListLength(temp);

    if(length < pos){ //if length < position Node does not exist
        printf("ERROR: Node does not exist!\n");
        if(pos == 0){
            newNode = temp->next;
        }else if(pos == 1){
            newNode = temp->next;
            for(i = 1; i < pos; i++){
                printf("i = %d\n", i);
                temp = temp->next;
            if(temp->next == NULL){
                newNode = NULL;
                newNode = temp->next;
    printf("After: ");
return newNode;


EDIT #2: Code typo


Thanks for any help in advance. From what I have concluded my problem is that I am not moving through the list properly but I am unsure as to why I am not.



In your code, you have the line



in your for loop. That operation doesn't do anything.


newNode-> = NULL;


which is not valid C, and I have no idea how you got that to compile.


But really, don't use that loop. A linked list is one of the most basic recursive data structures. As a result, almost all algorithms manipulating them are most elegant as a recursive solution.

typedef struct node node_t;

node_t* delete_at_index(node_t* head, unsigned i)
    node_t* next;

    if(head == NULL)
        return head;

    next = head->next;

    return i == 0
             ? (free(head), next)                                 /* If i == 0, the first element needs to die. Do it. */
             : (head->next = delete_at_index(next, i - 1), head); /* If it isn't the first element, we recursively check the rest. */


08-22 23:23