




I would like to make the login page know which client requested the login in order to display some client-specific branding: Otherwise the user may be confused as to why he's redirected to this foreign login page on a different domain. A client logo will help reassure him that he's still on the right track.


What would be the most reasonable approach to get at that information?


Note that by "client" I'm referring to the client web applications on whose behalf the authentication happens - not the user's browser. All clients are under my control and so I'm using only the implicit workflow.


To make this even more clear: I have client web apps A and B, plus the identity server I. When the user comes to I on behalf of B, the B logo should appear as we're no longer on B's domain and that may be confusing without at least showing a B-related branding.



IdSrv 4获取ClientId的最简单方法是通过名为IIdentityServerInteractionService的服务,该服务在帐户控制器中用于获取AuthorizationContext.然后使用IClientStore服务进行后续处理,该服务允许您根据ClientId获取客户端详细信息.在获得这些详细信息之后,仅需将该信息发送到视图进行布局即可. IdSrv 4中的客户端模型具有LogoUri属性,您可以使用该属性在每个客户端登录时显示图像.

Some Theory

The easiest way to get the ClientId from IdSrv 4 is through a service called IIdentityServerInteractionService which is used in the Account Controller to get the AuthorizationContext. And then follow that up with the IClientStore service that allows you to get the client details given the ClientId. After you get these details then its only a matter of sending that info to the view for layout. The client model in IdSrv 4 has a LogoUri property that you can utilize to show an image at login per client.

    // GET: /Account/Login
    public async Task<IActionResult> Login(string returnUrl = null)
        var context = await _interaction.GetAuthorizationContextAsync(returnUrl);

        if (context?.IdP != null)
            // if IdP is passed, then bypass showing the login screen
            return ExternalLogin(context.IdP, returnUrl);

        if(context != null)
            var currentClient = await _clientStore.FindClientByIdAsync(context.ClientId);

            if (currentClient != null)
                ViewData["ClientName"] = currentClient.ClientName;
                ViewData["LogoUri"] = currentClient.LogoUri;

        ViewData["ReturnUrl"] = returnUrl;
        return View();


08-22 23:18