


I am trying to put client side validation on the gravity forms. I am newbie to gravity forms, i researched and came to know gravity forms do not support client side validations. SO i decided to do it on my own. I used a validation library by jQuery, when the form is validated, it is not being submitted. I have the following code :-

       jQuery('#gform_49').validate({ // initialize the plugin
        rules: {
            input_7: {
                required: true,
                email: true
            input_8: {
              required: true,
              url: true
        submitHandler: function (form) {
          return true;



Once validation failed and user then inputs correct data and try to submit the form is not being submitted. However if the user submits all the info correct at first time it works. It seems like gravity forms disables form submission twice. Any idea to submit form after validations are true ?


带出整个submitHandler选项.由于form.submit()正是插件的默认行为,因此此处不需要.也没有理由将return true放在任何这些回调函数中.

Take out the entire submitHandler option. It's not needed here since form.submit() is exactly the default behavior of the plugin. There is also no reason to put return true inside any of these callback functions.

   jQuery('#gform_49').validate({ // initialize the plugin
       rules: {
           input_7: {
               required: true,
               email: true
           input_8: {
               required: true,
               url: true


08-22 22:49