该方法通过yield return语句返回的IEnumerable
The method returns IEnumerable via a yield return statement.
If the yield statement never occurs (it's inside conditional logic), will the method return null, or will it return an Enumerable with a count of 0?
A valid IEnumerable that produces no values when you iterate through it.
试想一下:您可以将IEnumerable的发生器存储在一个变量 - 代码本身当你真正遍历这些结果只是得到执行。你怎么可以,如果你有执行的代码空
Just think of it: You can store the IEnumerable generator in a variable - the code itself just gets executed when you actually iterate through the results. How could you execute the code if you had null
? Or how did you know the function doesn't yield anything without running it.