



我有一个由几个人组成的团队,使用git flow方法(主,开发,修补程序,功能,发行版)和远程裸仓库在同一个git仓库上工作.

I have a team of a few people working on the same git repository, using the git flow method (master, develop, hotfixes, features, releases), and a remote bare repository.


We had a hotfix with a few commits that was merged successfully into master and all was good.Now, a week later, and a lot of changes later, after continuing to work on develop, we had a release branch that was not merged into master as well.


We noticed that some files in the system got reverted back to the state they were before the hotfix. These files were only touched lately in the hotfix mentioned, and no further changes were made on them in the develop branch.


The weird part is that I can't find a merge in the git log history that shows a conflict on any of these files, which can indicate that a team member got a conflict and didn't resolve it correctly.


All I can see are the commits from the hotfix which added the desired changes, but I can't find a later commit that reverts those changes.

我尝试使用git whatchanged -p -r -m -- myfile,再次看到的只是修补程序中的提交.

I tried using git whatchanged -p -r -m -- myfile and again, all I see are the commits from the hotfix.


How can I find out what happened to those files? Could it be a corruption in my repository?



git has a build in mechanism for that.

平分: https://www.kernel.org/pub/software /scm/git/docs/git-bisect.html


run this build in tool and you will be able to track the problematic commit where your changes disappeared.

在此处阅读更多内容,以了解如何使用它以及如何工作. http://alblue.bandlem.com/2011 /07/git-tip-of-week-git-bisect.html

Read more here to understand how to use it and how it work.http://alblue.bandlem.com/2011/07/git-tip-of-week-git-bisect.html


08-22 22:27