


在某些形式的,人会报告说,他们点击提交,但形式只是重置本身(或者,也许,浏览器只是重新加载形式 - 我的用户很可能无法看出其中的差别)。






要做到这一点,必须将在&lt里面一个特殊的meta标签; HEAD>你的页面的部分。要做到这一点的理想场所将是一个母版页/模板。

 < META HTTP-EQUIV =X-UA-Compatible的内容=IE = EmulateIE7/>


I have a complex classic ASP system that has worked well for years but has recently started having a strange and intermittent problem.

On some forms, folks will report that they click "Submit" but that the form just resets itself (or, perhaps, the browser just reloads the form - my users are probably not able to tell the difference).

Most recently, this has happened to a user with IE8 (we do use ). It seems to happen only with larger forms (ie. more data submitted). We do use an empty action tag on the form to self-submit (ie. ) and we use POST.

We never heard about a problem like this until fairly recently. At first, it seemed that it could be related to "Trusted Zone" settings on one user's machine, but we've gotten a few reports from other places now and it's less clear that it is a zone issue. On my own machine, also running IE8, I never have a problem.

Any thoughts?


One solution might be to force IE8 into compatibility mode, so that behaves in a similar manner to IE7.

To do this, you must place a special meta tag inside the <head> section of your page. An ideal place to do this would be in a master page/template.

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />

Hope this helps.


08-22 22:25