

本文介绍了有没有办法在可变参数宏参数上使用 C++ 预处理器字符串化?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



My guess is the answer to this question is no, but it would be awesome if there was a way. To clarify, assume I have the following macro:

#define MY_VARIADIC_MACRO(X...) // Does some stuff here in the macro definition

我想做的是在将 X 的所有变量传递给可变参数函数之前以某种方式对其进行字符串化;这里的关键字是之前.我意识到无法从宏定义中真正访问各个参数,但是有没有办法将所有参数字符串化,可能类似于以下内容?

What I would like to do is somehow perform stringification on all the variables of X before passing it to a variadic function; the keyword here is before. I realize there's no way to really access the individual arguments from within the macro definition, but is there a way to stringify all the arguments, with maybe something like the following?

#define MY_VARIADIC_MACRO(X...) some_variadic_function("some string", #X)


好吧,我不是想在这里回答我自己的问题,但我想出了一个不错的解决方案,有点像 Mark Wilkins 的组合答案和我在问题中给出的例子.

Okay, I didn't mean to answer my own question here, but I've come up with a decent solution that is somewhat of a combination of Mark Wilkins answer and the example I gave in the question.


It is possible to stringify the entire set variadic set, which then includes the delimiting commas in the string. Here's a quick example:

#define MY_VARIADIC_MACRO(X...) printf(#X)


Using the above macro shows you that the entire set of arguments passed to the macro gets stringified.


Then you can then define a function to tokenize these arguments using the delimiting comma, thereby getting the set of tokenized strings by using the variadic macro:

#define MY_VARIADIC_MACRO(X...) tokenize_my_arguments(#X)

然后实际上不再依赖于让可变参数宏调用可变参数函数,我可以很好地遍历我的常量 C 字符串数组,而不是遍历 va_arg.

Then there's actually no longer the dependency of having the variadic macro call a variadic function and I can iterate nicely through my array of constant C strings rather than iterating through va_arg.

* 来自编辑关注的新内容*

* New Stuff from Edit Follows *

根据 Tim 的评论,这里是解决方案的详细信息.请原谅任何错误,因为它是匆忙完成的,我不得不从我正在做的事情中移植过来.此外,它并不意味着是复制/粘贴解决方案,因为它只输出参数的字符串化来演示 POC,但应该足以演示功能.

Per Tim's comment, here's the details of the solution. Please forgive any errors since it was done in haste and I had to port from what I'm working on. Also, it's not meant to be copy/paste solution since it only outputs the stringification of the arguments to demonstrate POC, but should be sufficient enough to demonstrate the functionality.

虽然这个解决方案需要一些运行时计算,可变参数宏经常调用可变参数函数并且需要通过 va_args 进行迭代,因此迭代发生在寻找令牌的过程中,尽管可能会牺牲一些性能.然而,为了可维护性、通用性和易于实施,这似乎是目前最好的选择:

Although this solution requires some run time computation, variadic macros often times call variadic functions and requires iterating through va_args, so the iteration takes place in finding the tokens, although a bit of performance is probably sacrificed. However, for maintainability, versatility, and ease of implementation, this seems to be the best option at the moment:

#define VARIADIC_STRINGIFY(_ARGUMENTS_TO_STRINGIFY...) Variadic_Stringification_Without_Variadic_Function(#_ARGUMENTS_TO_STRINGIFY)

void Variadic_Stringification_Without_Variadic_Function (const char* _stringified_arguments)
    strcpy(converted_arguments, _stringified_arguments);

    for(char* token = strtok(converted_arguments, ","); token != 0x0; token = strtok(0x0, ","))
        std::cout << token << std::endl;

这篇关于有没有办法在可变参数宏参数上使用 C++ 预处理器字符串化?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-22 22:02